Course Syllabus

Physical Science Syllabus

Instructor:  Ms. Washington

Room: G Wing 208D

Phone: 704-292-7662



Overview: Physical science is a laboratory science course that includes two main units of study: chemistry and physics. Chemistry is the science of matter and its changes. We will develop an understanding of the structure and properties of matter, atomic theory, the periodic table, and chemical reactions. Physics is the science of forces and energy. We will learn about motions, forces, energy, waves, electricity, and magnetism. We will see how our daily lives are affected by both of these sciences as we move through the year. This class should be taken seriously and given your best effort as it is required for graduation.


Required Instructional Materials:

The following items will be needed in class:

  • Spiral-Bound Notebook

  • Pencil or Pen

  • coloring pencils/markers

  • Earbuds

  • Calculator



  • Grades are assigned based on a point system.
    • Each task is given a point value.
    • Completion of the task gives you the full value of that task.
    • If task is not complete, you get the number of points you earned
    • Types of Tasks
      • Lab Work: A critical part of science is lab-work. As a result, you will be expected to experiment, analyze data, and draw conclusions.
      • Quizzes: will be given frequently – I have to know what you know! Quizzes are not designed to punish, they are a tool I use to determine what you know and don’t know.
      • Tests: are important so please don’t wait till the night before to study!
      • Participation, Attendance, Homework: If you are not here, it is impossible for me to help educate you.
        • engaging yourself in the lesson – ask RELEVANT questions!
        • performing tasks that I design for you
        • maintaining your notebook
        • participating in labs
        • taking responsibility for your own learning – ask questions, wonder and think about stuff!
        • Participation includes:

      Make-Up Work Policy


      • DON’T BE ABSENT. If an unavoidable absence occurs, the student is responsible for obtaining missed material.
          • Upon return to school…you need to make arrangements with me to take missed tests/quizzes, etc. within 3 DAYS of your return – NO EXCEPTIONS.


      • Late work will not be accepted. If there is a problem turning in assignments on Canvas make sure you email your assignment to before the deadline.


      Miscellaneous Information:

      • The best thing that can be done to ensure success in this class is to be prepared when you come into class everyday.  This means bringing all materials with you to class, having assignments completed on time, and studying in advance for tests/quizzes.
      • Tardiness – it is important to show up to work and school on time. Students who are tardy are a disruption to everyone in the class. Per school-wide policy, tardy students are “locked-out” and not admitted to class without a tardy pass from the administration.
      • Food/Drink – Per school-wide policy, food and sodas are not allowed to be consumed in the classroom, unless authorized by the administration. Students ARE allowed to drink water in water bottles, with the exception of days in which labs are being performed.
        • Food must be discarded BEFORE ENTERING THE ROOM, due to the ability of food to attract insects and small rodents (they will only go where there is food).

      Classroom Procedures:

      1. Beginning Class:


      • Take out materials, sharpen pencils, go to assigned seat
      • Copy agenda, goals for the day and homework assignment into your notebooks and begin working on the posted warm-up.


      1. Sharpening Pencils during class


      • Do this before class.
      • If you need to sharpen a pencil during instruction, go to pencil sharpener without distracting others, and wait for me to give you the OK


      1. Restroom Usage during class


      • Wait for an appropriate time (not during discussions or instruction), then raise your hand and wait for my response.
      • Retrieve the bathroom pass from the back of the room, record your name and the time.


      1. Participation in Class


      • Participation in class is IMPORTANT!!! Let’s face it...we learn BEST when we are engaged. In order to insure that everyone has a chance to participate, students will be called upon frequently to answer questions. Students will also participate in a variety of assessment activities, to provide students with opportunities to prove what they have learned. Your key to success is to pay attention and participate.
      • When we are involved in class discussions, please raise your hand if you wish to comment, as this insures others (myself included) can hear you clearly. Students speaking out of turn will be reminded to raise their hands and be asked to wait.


      1. Group Work:


      • Choose one person to collect and return materials.
      • Choose one person to ask questions of me.
      • You may only talk with your group members (unless I give other directions).
      • All members must contribute to discussion and work.
      • Refrain from loud talking, running, throwing items, and horse playing.
      • Be kind and cooperative.


      1. Use of Materials:


      • Use only your group’s assigned materials (make sure you have everything you should before you begin)
      • Please do not waste supplies!
      • Return all items in the condition you received them.
      • Let me know if something needs to be repaired or replaced.


      1. Dismissal at the end of the period
      • The bell does not dismiss you. The bell is a signal for teachers that the 90 minute period for instruction is over. I will inform you when it is time to pack up and when the bell rings, I will dismiss you.
      • Please be in your seat ready to be dismissed at the end of class – Students who line up at the door will be the last people to leave the room.

      Classroom Guidelines

      Classroom Expectations

      1. Allow yourself and others around you to benefit from this course.
      2. Stay focused on the task at hand.
      3. Allow for the smooth operation of this classroom by following procedures.
      4. Take care of your environment, respecting all persons and surroundings.
      5. Be prepared. This includes being to class on time and having all        required materials.


      1.       Verbal Warning
      2.        Student has conference with teacher
      3.        Teacher has conference with parent (Referral)
      4.        Referral and removal from class
      5.        Severe Disruptions  will result in immediate removal and referral

      Parent/Student Agreement Signatures

      Ms. Washington

      Please return this page tomorrow with the following signatures to let me know that you have read and understand the information in the syllabus. I have requested an email contact below. Please provide me with your email address so that I can keep you updated on your child’s performance. If you have any comments or questions, please add them at the bottom of this receipt of syllabus. Thank You.

      To be completed by the parent/guardian


      Please read and initial each statement below.

      1. I understand that my child will receive a FF if he or she has more than 7 unexcused absences during the semester.
      2. I know that my child receives progress reports every 3 weeks, and I should contact Mrs. Washington immediately if I am not receiving progress reports.
      3. I know that I can always check the Parent Assist Module (PAM) online to keep up to date on my child’s progress in class.
      4. I have read and discussed the rules and procedures with my child. I understand and agree to encourage my child to abide by these rules and procedures. I understand the consequences that my child will incur if he or she does not abide by the classroom rules and procedures.


      Course Summary:

      Date Details Due