Course Syllabus

Fitness and Nutrition Syllabus

Empower Ed Family Portal

Objective:  Students will gain concepts in nutrition to create a better fitness program for themselves and others to obtain the goal of life-long physical fitness


Students will participate in following fitness activities but not limited to:

Aerobic exercise                     anaerobic exercise                stretching                                           conditioning                            yoga                                       light weight training             medicine ball work                        abdominal strength                Cardio Work  


Students will participate in nutritional work and gain a better understanding of all nutritional information.  Each student will be required to complete a daily log of exercise and nutrition though an application called My Fitness Pal.  This can be kept on a mobile device or through a student laptop.  


Materials needed for class:

  • School appropriate workout attire. This must still fall within student dress code.
    • Sleeves are required on all t-shirts for boys and girls
  • Athletic running shoes. No cleats, flip flops, slip on shoes will be allowed
  • Laptop Computer for nutritional information
  • Notebook, pen and flash drive will be needed


Class Expectations:

  • Students will dress out and be prepared for physical exercise
  • No talking while instruction is occurring
  • No physical horse play will be tolerated
  • All students will dress out regardless of extra-curricular activities on that day.
  • No Food or drinks other than water are allowed in the gym.
  • Any student who shows up late to class must have a note from the front office or teacher they were with
  • Doctors note (MD) is required to be exempt from physical activity. An alternative assignment will be given.  No parent notes will be accepted.
  • Each student will be issued a lock and locker to use for changing.   If locks are not returned at the end of the semester it is $10 for the replacement of the locks.


Grading Scale:

Participation -20 points per day (100 total for week)

  • 5 points for dress
  • 5 points for daily fitness/nutrition log
  • 10 points for participation


Additional assignments will be given throughout semester.   All assignments are point based and accumulate through each grading period.

  • If a grade is entered in as a 0 it will mean the students can not make up the assigment.  
  • If a grade is entered in as a 1 then then the student is eligible to make up the assignment.   
  • If you are unable to participate with a valid MD note, an alternative assignement will be given to you for those daily points.  

Example:   First grading period:  Total value of all assignment given (participation, dress, projects, etc.) is 750 possible points.   Student has received 725 points on all accumulated assignments.  725/750 = 97 (A)

Exam Exemption Policy

For any class that does NOT have an EOC, NC Final, or CTE Exam.  ONLY FOR TEACHER MADE EXAMS, please place in your syllabus

High School students will not be required to take a teacher-made[6] final exam in a course in the following situations:

  • The student has an average of 90 or above the week prior to the administration of the exam and has no more than 3 absences (excused or unexcused) in the class; or
  • The student has an average of 80 or above the week prior to the administration of the exam and has no more than 2 absences  (excused or unexcused) in the class



At CATA, instruction is very important. All students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to receive instruction before the tardy bell rings for each class. Following the tardy bell, students who are not in class must report to the front office for a tardy pass if they tardy to first period.  During the rest of the day teachers will mark student tardy in the PowerSchool Attendance System.   Only students with a Tardy Pass will be admitted after the tardy bell rings for first period.  There is absolutely no food allowed in the classrooms.  Students may not bring in food. 


Tardies will be recorded as unexcused unless an excuse can be verified by staff. Tardies will result in the following penalties:


All students must report to the office when tardy to first period and to class the rest of the day.  Teachers will mark students tardy who are late to 2nd period, 3rd period, and 4th period.  If a student is tardy twice in third period on Cougar Time days (Once before class and once after lunch), then the teacher will  mark them tardy one time in Power School and write it up as a minor incident in Educator Handbook for the second tardy of the period.   


1st/2nd Tardy:  Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods)

3rd Tardy:  Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods).  The teacher will contact the parent on the third tardy by phone.  

4th/5th Tardy:  Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods). The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 1 day ASD with administration.  The administration will contact the parent.  

6th/7th Tardy:  Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods).  The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 2 days ASD with administration.  The administration will contact the parent.  

8th Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods).  The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 3 days ASD.  The administration will set up a parent conference, create a written plan, and possible additional consequences. 


  • Please note that administrator warnings will only come from an administrator in the office for first period tardies.  Please be sure to give warnings to students in all other periods. 


The administration reserves the right to modify consequences on a case-by-case basis whenever appropriate. This may include loss of parking privileges. Students arriving on late buses will not be considered tardy

Learning Platform at Central Academy


Canvas: The majority of assignments will be submitted on our new "learning platform," Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem.  The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id. 

                Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook.  The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform.  Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on Powerschool.  





Course Summary:

Date Details Due