Course Syllabus
Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush. It can color any situation.
Art I class syllabus
Class Description
Art I is designed to build on knowledge and skills developed at the elementary and middle school levels. It is the foundation level for art study throughout high school. Students will be producing two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. The course emphasizes the study of the elements of art and principles of design, color theory, vocabulary, art criticism, art history, and safety in the art room. Art experiences during this time are experimental in terms of materials. Students are provided a strong foundation in design, drawing and vocabulary in a teacher-structured environment. Problem solving and decision-making are emphasized throughout Art I reinforcing the higher order thinking skill. There is a heavy concentration on organization and managing time which is an important high school skill.
Goals and Objectives
Here is the link to see the Art standards set forth by the state of North Carolina
Classroom Expectations
- Students are expected to be on time and on task during the class period.
- Disrupting other students’ ability to learn will not be tolerated.
- Students are expected to be accountable for their own actions Knowing the assignment and when it is due will be up to the student. All assignments will be posted in Canvas our new on line grading system.
- If absent, he or she is responsible for the make up work. Students are given the assignments for the week on Monday’s and everything is due the following Monday.
- Please refer to the county handbook as students found plagiarizing an assignment artistically or in written form will be held accountable for their actions. Creativity is stressed in Art. It is the cornerstone to critical thinking and helps students to be successful in other areas of study and future careers.
- Students’ are assigned a text book and a pencil pouch filled with supplies. Students are responsible for the care and return of these items.. Students will be charged a fee for missing or broken supplies.
- Students will be responsible for a fully charged computer in my class. Create a routine with your child to charge the computer every night in the same place. Make sure it is in a location where they will not forget it. (For example charging while still in the book bag, under the charging area for their cell phone. I can guarantee they won’t forget their phone.)
- They will also have a class job that will help keep our room organized. They will receive a participation grade for their job.
- Students are allowed to bring water into the classroom. No Cokes, coffee, energy drinks or any other colored or sugary drinks.
- Cell phones are occasionally used for educational purposes in my class as well as can be used to listen to music during studio time. If a they are listening to music the phone will not display the screen as to not tempt them to respond to text. Ear buds can not be shared as it is difficult to listen to music if your head is being pulled in another direction by the other students. Students who text and misuse the phone during class will be written up and have their phone taken to the office.
- Students are graded on a point system derived from a rubric. It is heavily graded on effort and knowledge, verses artistic talent. This allows students more exploration without fear of failure.
- Late assignments will not be accepted unless they are gone for an extended period of time. The student should contact me to make arrangements. Being gone a day or two does not constitute an extended period of time. They have all week and the weekend to complete work. If they are allowed to make the work up a 1 will be entered into Canvas and Power School till the deadline. This is to make sure that they remember to make up the work. If a 0 is entered then they are not allowed to make up the work.
- Art I focus is to give the student exposure to the arts in order to help them with higher order thinking skills; a skill that is helpful in all areas of study.
- A report card or progress report comes out every 3 weeks. Parents will be required to sign it which states they have seen the report card or progress report. This a perfect time to touch base with me and discuss success and areas of improvement.
- Parents are responsible to get the Power School password from the school office for the Parent Portal. This allows you to see your child's grades, giving you faster access to their progress or potential struggles. Students who struggle will be placed in tutoring during Cougar time. Parents or students can also request tutoring. Students do not generally need tutoring because they do not understand as this is a beginner course. Usually it is needed for mismanagement of time or need of extra time do to a student going above and beyond.
- Grades are recorded in Canvas which can be accessed by your child. I would highly recommend you getting familiar with the program as it is used school wide. It is then transfer to Power School for parents access.
- The marking period grades and the final exam are each 25% of their final grade.
- 1st marking period- 25%
- 2nd marking period- 25%
- 3rd marking period- 25%
- Final Exam- 25%
- The Art I final exam is a teacher made exam that was created based on the Art Education Common Core Standards. Students will review for the exam weekly.
Supplies to be purchased by the student
- 1 Fine and 1 ultra- fine Sharpie or black permanent marker
- 6 Small Glue Sticks or 3 Large
- Mini Hot Glue Sticks - (We do not need these till the 3rd marking period)
Parent Assignment
Please copy and paste this link to fill in contact information.
Contact Information for parents and students
Mrs. Shelly Pentecost
704-575-8581 is my personal cell phone number.
You may call or text me If you have any questions.
The best time to call me is 8:00 am -8:45 am or 3:30 pm-10:00 pm weekdays and anytime on the weekend.
During school hours it is best to either text or email me.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |