Course Syllabus
Central Academy of Technology and Arts
Performing Arts Academy / Dance
2017- 2018
Dance Educator: Allison Cyphers
Planning: Third Period ( 1st Semester) ; Second Period (2nd Semester)
Tutoring: 3:30 pm- 4:30 ; Tuesday and Thursday
Policies and Guidelines
Dance Specialization Honors Choreography:
Students will work through the choreographic process from cognition to creation to performance to reflection. Students will create a five minute thesis dance for the Covered Canvas performance and create a reflection paper at the end.
The student is responsible for make-up any work missed due to absence. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed work, assignments, or announcements given out during their absence. It is not the teacher's’ responsibility to ask the student to hand in the work. Two days will be allowed ( for excused absences) to get work in.
Injuries and Illness:
If a student is not feeling well and cannot dance, a note from a doctor must be given to the teacher in order to be excused from class otherwise they will be sent to the nurse. is a student is injured and cannot dance for a certain period of time , a doctor’s note must be given to the teacher in order to be excused. Students must still get dressed for class and an alternate assignment will be given in place of physically taking class. For long term illness a doctor's note is required stating the day he or she will not be allowed to dance and when they are able to participate again. Menstruation , menstrual cramps, and being tired/ sore are not reasons to sit out of class.
Field Trips:
Throughout the school year dancers will be taking educational field trips to view performances, college visits and participate in workshops and residencies. While on field trips, unless otherwise instructed, students are prohibited to wear jeans, flip flops, or sneakers. All field trips are non- refundable, unless otherwise instructed.
Scheduled Dance Performances
- Novemebre 23rd and 24th Covered Canvas
- December 1st Winter Collaborative
The Central Academy Dance Program relies on parent participation for success. The following volunteer jobs are needed in order to help facilitate our program needs.
- Box Office- Selling tickets at performances
- Concessions- selling and organization of food and drinks
- House Managers - collecting tickets at the door.
- Video- we need help finding a reliable videographer and scheduling them for our performances.
If you are available, please let me know which of these you are willing and able to help with.
The Performing Arts PTSO supports quality performance and educational opportunities for aspiring Theater, Dance, and Chorus Students including:
- Theatrical Stage Productions and Musicals
- Dance Performances
- Chorus Concerts
- Educational Enrichment Trips and Artistic Workshops
- Supplies and Equipment
- Fundraising Events
Studio Expectations
- Do not touch sound system or television without teachers permission
- The teachers office is off limits to students
- Shoes that are harmful to the dance floor cannot be worn in the dance studio
- Visitors/ Friends are not allowed in the classroom , without the prior consent from the teacher
- Students are not allowed in the studio when it is not your class time
- Passes cannot be written to excuse you from your academic classes ( unless otherwise instructed)
- Students are not allowed to use dance to finish incomplete assignments for other classes.
- No sitting during class time , unless instructed to do so
- Limit the amount of talking during instruction.
- Respect yourself and others.
- Respect the dance space, keep it clean.
- Personal hygiene is a must.
- For safety reasons, no jewelry or long nails.
- No cell phone use during class.
- Always have a water bottle.
- No food or drink in the storage area.
- Do not brush hair in the studio
Classroom Grading Procedures
100-93 A
92- 85 B
84- 77 C
76- 69 D
Missing assignments will be entered into power school as a 1 till made up. Assignments given a 0 may not be made up.
Participation and Dress Code: 25%
This grade is based on the student’s participation as observed by the teacher in class. Every dancer is is expected to participate in every class. Students are expected to follow the dress code and are given a grade everyday. After February 2nd , if the student is not dressed properly he or she will receive a zero for that day. Abuse of the dress code will result in removal from a performance.
Dress Code:
Monday : Ladies- Black leotard , pink or black tights, ballet shoes
Gentlemen - White or black fitted top, black tights , ballet shoes
Tuesday: Ladies- Black leotard, black footless tights
Gentlemen - White or black fitted top, black jazz or fitted sweat pants
Wednesday: Same as Tuesday
Thursday: Ladies- Colored leotard, black tights, jazz shoes
Gentlemen: Colored fitted top, black jazz pants or sweats, jazz shoes
Friday : Loose fitting dance clothes permitted ( No belly, breast, or buttocks showing)
Getting dress includes the following:
- Hair must be up and away from the face
- Correct dance shoes for all classes
- Gentlemen must wear dance belts
- No extra clothing. Fitted warm-up attire will be allowed to start class
- Dance clothes must be well kept and in clean condition. Holes in leotards and tights are unacceptable.
- Personal Hygiene is to be considered at all times. Wash dance attire daily. Do not leave dirty dance wear in lockers. Deodorant must be used.
Master Classes, Workshops and Residences:
When artists are visiting students must respect the artist and the art form. Ladies are to dress in black leotard and tights and gentleman in black top and bottoms, unless otherwise instructed
Test Grade: 25%
Assignments, handouts, and quizzes will be given in class. Adequate time will be given to prepare and study for and exam. Tests will include dance vocabulary , dance history, writing assignments and in class performance. Criteria will be given in advance.
Portfolio, Journal, Homework, Assignments: 25%
The dance portfolio will consist of the entire 4 years of the dancer’s experience. The portfolio will include , but not limited to journal writing, performance critiques, homework assignments, dance projects. Please hand in all assignments on time. Portfolios are to be left in the studio. *Refer to the student- handbook for plagiarism rules
Performance Grade: 25%
Each student is graded on performances and mandatory rehearsals for each show. Performance includes: Performance of the dancer onstage , backstage, and in rehearsal space. If a student displays poor conduct during rehearsals and or performance their grade will suffer and risk being pulled from the performance and future performances. Students are expected to respect their peers and the work of others. students are expected to respect the theater. No food or drinks in the theater. If there is a conflict with the performance and/or rehearsal dates the teacher should be informed immediately by written note from the student and parent.
Learning Platform at Central Academy Canvas: The majority of assignments will be submitted on our new "learning platform," Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected. If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id. Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform. Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on Powerschool.
Added Resourse:
EmpowerED Family Portal :
Performance Rules and Guidelines
- TECH WEEK: rehearsals are Monday through Thursday and will start 4:00 and run no later than 8:00
- dancers must wear all black during run through rehearsals and costumes during tech rehearsals. Grade will be affected if not in proper attire.
- All dancers must sign in to receive proper credit for each rehearsal.
- All dancers must arrive on time.
- If a dancer is late to rehearsal without advising the teacher or calling the school , points will be deducted from grade and risk being pulled from the show.
- When a dancer is not on stage he/she is expected to remain in the theater or in the dressing room
- If the student is unable to attend 2 of the 4 rehearsal days they cannot participate in the show, but must attend 2 rehearsals and work backstage for a grade. If this is not possible they will receive an alternate assignment.
- No backstage visitors before or after the show.
- All students are responsible for keeping backstage , hallways, bathrooms and dressing rooms clean. Students will be assigned an area to clean after each performance.
All costumes borrowed from the Dance Academy must be returned to the dance studio after the Saturday performance. Costume must be hung on dancers hanger to receive credit .
- if a costume is lost or ruined , the dancer will be responsible for the replacements of a new one.
- Check out will happen before tech week and check in will happen the following day of class after the performance
Performance Appearance :
- No jewelry , no dark nail polish on fingers or toes.
- Please cut long fingernails.
- No visible tattoos or body piercings.
- Hair should be slicked back in a secure bun unless otherwise specified by the teacher.
- Costumes should be secure
- No undergarments should be visible
Required items
Black Camisole leotard
Colored leotard
Black footless tights
Flesh color convertible tights
Flesh color one piece undergarment
Pink ballet shoes
Black and white fitted tank top
Black and white fitted t-shirt
Colored fitted top
Black tights
Black jazz pants
Black ballet shoes
Black sweat pants
Black shorts
Other supplies:
Bobby pins
hair net
Hair spray/gel
safety pins
needle and thread
clear nail polish
baby wipes
ice pack
Other miscellaneous donations the dance department is in need of:
- Fabric softener
- Baby wipes
- Febreeze
- Paper towels
- Fan
- Costumes
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |