Course Syllabus

Math II Honors Syllabus                   Instructor: Lisa O’Connor         Central Academy of Technology and Arts


  1. Course Description

Math 2 is an integration of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics that focuses on more advanced linear topics, as well as other functions and their relationships to each other and applications to the real world.  These topics include transformations, similarity and congruence, quadratic functions, square root and inverse variation functions, basic trig and probability. Honors students are expected to investigate topics more deeply and will be exposed to additional topics as well as work with more complex problems and with greater independence.


(Math II HN) HN is an honors level course.  This course is also available in the Program of Studies at the College Preparatory level.  Students earning credit for an Honors level course receive an elevated number of Quality Points for their Grade Point Average.  Students choosing the Honors level course should be aware that this Honors level course will include:

  • Required extension opportunities that are directly related to the Standard Course of Study. This includes additional content beyond that covered in the College Preparatory level.
  • More challenging coursework and assessments.  Students will be expected to demonstrate higher levels of understanding for grades.
  • Projects and presentations will be more in depth.  
  • Students will have to focus and study regularly to master the content. 

The expectation that students can move through the coursework at an accelerated pace and students experiencing difficulty should quickly seek guidance from their teacher on how they can be more successful.


  1. Goals and Objectives

 Specific goals and objectives to be covered by the course can be found by following the link below

  • Grading

Final grades will be calculated with each 6 weeks grade and exam counting 25%.  6 week grades will be based as follows: 


Homework/classwork:          30%                        Assessments:  70%

Homework will be assigned each night to reinforce skills learned that day and in preparation for upcoming lessons. All work must be shown and assignments completed in pencil.  Assignments that do not have appropriate work shown will receive a zero. This includes IXL assignments. All assignments must be completed on a separate paper from notes.  Daily assignments can be found of the announcement board of the Canvas page for the class.  Homework/Classroom assignments will include, but are not limited to, worksheets, discovery/investigations and IXL assignments

Assessments will be given on a regular basis to help measure student learning.  These could be quizzes, tests, group assignments, projects or any other method to assess student learning. As with homework, all work must be shown in order to receive credit.


  1. Tutoring

 Extra help is available in my classroom each week* on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  These are drop in sessions from 8:00 am to 8:45 am.  Students may also attend cougar time on Tuesdays/Thursdays by requesting to be added to the roster for these sessions.  Students are expected to come to these sessions with questions prepared and actively seek instruction by asking questions.


Students may also request a peer tutor from their guidance counselor if they are in need of ongoing help outside of class.



VI. Materials

  • Pencil and eraser (either mechanical or standard) and colored pencils
  • Notebook paper and graph paper
  • Highlighter
  • Flashcards/blank index cards
  •   3-ring Binder (with 7 dividers for sections)*
  • Graphing Calculator*
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Dry Erase Markers

*Graphing Calculators: We do not have a class set of calculators available for students to use during the class period.  It is recommended that you purchase the Texas Instruments TI 83 or TI 84, any edition (silver, plus, etc.) as you will continue to use it throughout high school/college math courses. Calculators are to be brought to class daily.

*3-ring binder set up-  Dividers will be labeled by unit as follows

  1. Transformations
  2. Similarity and Congruence
  3. Quadratics
  4. Square root and inverse functions
  5. Trigonometry
  6. Probability
  7. Homework- Homework will be kept in this section. At the end of each unit, assignments should be moved to the appropriate unit, behind the notes for the unit.


All notes and assignments should be labeled at the top with the student’s name, date and assignment name or notes topic.  Notes and assignments should be completed on separate pieces of paper.


VII. Resources

 Most assignments and resources will be accessed through our learning platform, Canvas.  Most assignments will be completed and submitted on the students own paper.  ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN TO RECEIVE CREDIT, and all assignments must be labeled with the student’s name and appropriate date and assignment title.

 EmpowerED Family Portal

VIII. Absences and Make-Up Work

 Daily attendance is important to the understanding of mathematics.  That said, it is sometimes necessary to miss class due to illness, field trips or sports commitments. It is a student’s responsibility to access the canvas page to find out what they missed while they were out of class.  Missed assessments must be made up outside of class time.

ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL-  Notes, assignments and assessments missed due to illness must be made up within two days of the absence.  Please make arrangements with the teacher to schedule a time to make up assessments during the tutoring sessions on Tuesday or Thursday mornings. 

FIELD TRIPS/MISSED CLASS DUE TO SCHOOL OR SPORTS COMMITMENT- Students attending field trips or other school related commitments where they are not considered absent from school will not receive additional time for the day’s assignments, and must access Canvas and bring in all work the following day.  If an assessment is missed, they must schedule a time to complete this during the Tuesday or Thursday morning tutoring sessions.  ASSIGNMENTS OR ASSESSMENTS NOT MADE UP WITHIN THE ALLOWED TIME WILL RECEIVE A ZERO.


IX. Classroom Expectations

  1. Students must come to class on-time and prepared with materials.
  2. Students must participate in class with a positive attitude and demonstrate effort.
  3. Students must be respectful to both peers and adults in and out of class.
  4. Students are not allowed to use earphones, iPods, MP3 players, game systems, or cell phones in class. CELL PHONES MUST NOT BE VISIBLE DURING CLASS, OR THEY WILL BE CONFISCATED.
  5. When you are absent you are responsible for acquiring what was missed in class. Notes not posted on canvas must be acquired from a classmate. You have two days to turn in make-up work.  If you are absent on the day a test is given, you must make arrangements to take it during tutoring times.  Make ups will not be completed during class time. 
  6. All assignments are to be completed in pencil.
  7. You need to bring your graphing calculator to class daily.


  1. Contact Information

I look forward to working with you and your child.  Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.


School Phone:  704-296-3088


Course Summary:

Date Details Due