Course Syllabus


Spanish Level 2

CATA High School

Spring 2018


Course Description: ​The Union County Public Schools Program of Studies describes this course as the continuing development of the students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. In addition, culture, geography and grammar are studied in greater depth. In addition in our class we will be reading both classic and modern works of literature.

Textbook(s) and Supplemental text: ​County Created Textbook based off grammar topics from Realidades 2

Resources: There are resources supplied by the teacher via Canvas. Students need to make it a habit to check Canvas and their email daily. In addition to resources provided by the teacher the county has made Empowered Family Portal Available to help parents find all the resources the county has to offer. EmpowerED Family Portal (Links to an external site.)

Wish List: Any contributions are appreciated. (This is not required) I can always use tissues, pencils, and candy for incentives.

Tutoring: I will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:15pm. I am also usually here in the mornings by 8am. If your child needs any additional help, please encourage your student to email me and to attend tutoring. I have flexible schedule and will do my best to help accommodate your needs.


OBJECTIVE:  This class is structured to emphasize all four aspects of language learning: reading, writing, speaking, listening and understanding with heavy emphasis on meaningful communication.  

Click on the links below for more information on ...

NC State Clarifying Objectives for a level II Language Course


Students will come to class on time and be in their seats when the bell rings.

Students will be prepared for class with the required materials and supplies.

Students will actively participate in all class activities and homework assignments.

Students will treat each other and the instructor with respect at all times.

Students will remain in their seat unless they have permission to move around.

No grooming at anytime (make-up, hair brushing, etc.)

No IPods, cell phones, or any other electrical device allowed in the classroom.


  1. Teacher-student conference                        3.  Parent Conference
  2. Detention/Parent Notification                          4.  Administrative Conference

COURSE REQUIREMENTS:  All students are required to have in class daily:

A binder with dividers.                     

Chromebook fully charged with earbuds

Black/blue and red pens and a blue/orange/green highlighter (no yellow).

College line paper and self-correcting tape.


Learning Platform at Central Academy Canvas: The majority of assignments will be submitted on our new "learning platform," Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected. If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id. Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform. Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on Powerschool.


Grading Policies

Final Grade will be dependent upon following Grading Scale:

30% Tests

20% Quizzes

15% Participation/Classwork

15% Homework

20% Projects


Homework Policy

Homework is due at the beginning of class. No late homework will be accepted.  If absent, follow policy above on make-up work.


As you can see above in Grading Policies, tests and quizzes make up half of your grade.  Therefore, please take both quizzes and tests seriously!


Quizzes:  Weekly vocabulary quizzes.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all quizzes are made up within two (2) school days of an excused absence.

Tests:  Given at the end of each chapter. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all tests are made up within two (2) school days of an excused absence.


Can my student make this grade up?

Work that has received a 0 and cannot be made up will have a 0 in the gradebook.  If it has not been turned in but still may be completed for a grade, it will have a score of 1.


HOMEWORK:  Homework will be assigned everyday. Students are strongly encouraged to study vocabulary and grammar concepts daily.  Homework will only be accepted if it is completed, corrected, and on time.  Assignments are checked for completion by the teacher and corrected in class by the student the day after they have been assigned.  It is the students’ responsibility to correct all errors when reviewing the homework in class; this evaluation will assist students to do better on quizzes and exams.

xtra Credit Assignments:  Absolutely NO individual extra credit assignments will be given. Grades are earned not given.

TUTORING & HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE:  The textbook also provides drill and practice for each chapter using their Internet site.  Students need to access the online textbook from home and take detailed notes in class to help them study. There is a resource page on Canvas that has several helpful websites for grammar and vocabulary practice. I will be available every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:15pm. I am also usually here in the mornings by 8am. If your child needs any additional help, please encourage your student to email me and to attend tutoring. I will do my best to help accommodate your needs.  


PLAGIARISM POLICY:  Copied homework, homework translated by the Internet, and cheating on homework, quizzes, or exams will merit the student a zero in homework, test, participation, and/or referral to the Assistant Principal’s office.

DISCIPLINE:  The school wide discipline, tardy, and truancy rules will be enforced at all times.  Please refer to the student information bulletin.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due