Course Syllabus

Spanish Level 1

CATA High School



Course Description: The Union County Public Schools Program of Studies describes this course as an introduction to the study of a second language through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  In addition, culture, geography and grammar are integrated into the course.  Students have limited or no prior study of the language. This course aligns with the grammar concepts taught with Spanish I courses in Union County.


Textbook(s) and Supplemental text: The textbook is Realidades I Textbook. Students can access the textbook online at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Username: CATAMcAbee, Password:chocolate1 

Resources: There are resources supplied by the teacher via Canvas. In addition to resources provided by the teacher the county has made Empowered Family Portal Available to help parents find all the resources the county has to offer. EmpowerED Family Portal (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  


Materials Needed: Pens/Pencils; Notebook Paper; one dry erase marker, colored pencils or markers, Ear buds with a microphone and dividers; 3-ring binder with the following dividers      labeled: Warm-Up, Notes, Classwork, Homework, and Projects.

Wish List: Any contributions are appreciated. (This is not required) I can always use tissues, pencils, and candy for incentives. 

Tutoring: I will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:15pm. I am also usually here in the mornings by 8am. If your child needs any additional help, please encourage your student to email me and to attend tutoring. I have flexible schedule and will do my best to help accommodate your needs. 

Make up work: For every day that a student is absent, the student has two days to complete make-up work. The student should email the teacher so that a formal plan can be made to complete makeup work and receive extra help when necessary. 




Grading Policies


Final Grade will be dependent upon following Grading Scale:

30% Tests

20% Quizzes

15% Participation/Classwork

15% Homework

20% Projects

Homework Policy


Homework is due at the beginning of class. No late homework will be accepted.  If absent, follow policy above on make-up work. 



As you can see above in Grading Policies, tests and quizzes make up half of your grade.  Therefore, please take both quizzes and tests seriously!

Can my student make this grade up?

Work that has received a 0 and cannot be made up will have a 0 in the gradebook.  If it has not been turned in but still may be completed for a grade, it will have a score of 1.

Academic Integrity Code

Students are expected at all times to uphold standards of integrity. Students are expected to perform honestly and to work in every way possible to eliminate academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism.

Students found guilty of the first instance of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, will receive a zero on the assignment and a referral to administration.

“Academic dishonesty” in a foreign language course includes allowing a native speaker or another student to do your work on any assignment, whether in class or on homework. It also includes using an online translator to do the work for you. Allowing someone to assist you is not cheating; allowing them to do the work for you is.

Classroom Rules

  1. Be Respectful.
  2. Be Responsible.
  3. Be on task.
  4. Be on time.

Discipline Plan

Respect is the most important part of my class. Students will be respected, and in turn, will respect me, our classroom, and their peers. This includes but is not limited to:

 Speaking respectfully.

 Coming to class prepared to learn.

 Participating in all activities and discussions.

 Following orders from the teacher immediately with a good attitude.  

 Not eating, drinking (unflavored water only), or gum-chewing.

If students choose to be disrespectful, the following consequences will be applied:

1st offense – Warning and 2 participation points deducted.

2nd offense – “Think About It” form, phone call home, and 4 participation points deducted.

3rd offense – After-school detention, phone call home, and 6 participation points deducted.

4th offense – Referral to administration, phone call home, and 10 participation points deducted.

**Serious offenses will require an immediate removal from class and referral to administration.

Absences: Union County Public Schools Board Policy States that a student will receive a failing grade when they have reached 8 absences. In this class, the procedures for an absence require that each student is responsible for obtaining any assignments he or she missed while absent and will have two full days from the time he/she returns to turn in the assignment.

NC Essential Standards that are covered in this Course and the Curriclum Map can be found by clicking on the link below.

Curriclum Map and Course Objectives (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Essential Knowledge and Skills: At the end of the Level 1 Program the student should be able to…

  1. Ask about someone's health (Ask how someone is).
  2. Ask and tell one’s age
  3. Ask for clarification.
  4. Ask for permission politely.
  5. Ask for repetition.
  6. Ask how to say something.
  7. Ask/answer simple questions on topics such as age,  likes, dislikes, opinions, school subjects, school teachers, school work, immediate and extended family, food, nutrition and exercise, parties, places around town, time of events,weather, etc.
  8. Compare and contrast the view points of the target culture with their own.
  9. Decline an invitation.
  10. Describe themselves, their friend/s, their teachers and their family in terms of personality.
  11. Describe themselves, their friend/s, their teachers and their family’s physical attributes.
  12. Exchange basic greetings and farewells.
  13. Express lack of comprehension.
  14. Express likes and dislikes.
  15. Express thanks and gratitude.
  16. Give brief descriptions of places, and things.
  17. Give simple statements about the weather.
  18. Identify and demonstrate knowledge of geographical locations (country not capitals, landforms, etc.) where the target language is spoken.
  19. Identify cognates orally and in writing.
  20. Introduce oneself and others.
  21. Invite others to an event.
  22. Know that languages cannot be translated word for word.  
  23. Make simple statements in the present tense, simple future construction and the present progressive tense.
  24. Prepare and make individual presentations on the topics above
  25. Prepare and present simple original skits in the target language
  26. React appropriately to other’s dislikes, invitations, likes, needs, opinions, requests.
  27. Read and understand simple, level-appropriate authentic texts.
  28. Recognize basic cultural similarities and differences
  29. Reference dates and quantity.
  30. Respond to greetings.
  31. Respond to questions about classes, destinations, dislikes, family, food, future plans, health, invitations, likes, location, sports,
  32. State need/s politely.
  33. Tell time in target language.
  34. Tell what time an event occurs.
  35. Understand simple commands.
  36. Use a foreign language keyboard.
  37. Use essential structures of the target language that are different than their own.
  38. Use formal/informal forms of address appropriately.
  39. Use the appropriate mode of address in greeting and saying goodbye.

Student Statement

I understand the academic integrity code and discipline procedures and agree to abide by them. In addition, I have read and understand that I am accountable for all of the information contained in the attached syllabus. I have had an opportunity to clarify any questions that I may have.

Student Signature _____________________________________ Date ___________________

Parent Statement

I have read the academic integrity code, discipline procedures, and the attached syllabus. I agree to assist my child in upholding his/her commitment. I agree to support Mrs. Kimbrough in enforcing these policies. I have had an opportunity to clarify any questions that I may have.

Parent Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________

Teacher Statement

I agree to hold each student accountable to the academic integrity code and discipline procedures as described above. I also agree to help my students perform their best in my class.

Teacher Signature ___Amanda Mancilla-Kimbrough_____ Date ____ August 28,2017


Course Summary:

Date Details Due