Course Syllabus


Instructor’s Name:          Mr. Bill Recher, E.I.

E-mail:                               William.Recher@UCPS.K12.NC.US

Phone:                               (704) 296-3088



CATA Room 525





8:15 am – 4:00 pm



90 (one semester)





90 minute block class




Course Level:


Tutoring Times:

By appointment – before/after school, or Cougar Time


Recommended Prerequisite:

Drafting I



Course Description:

This course focuses on the principles and concepts of architectural design, and the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), used in the field of architecture. An emphasis is placed on the use of 3D CAD tools in the design and execution of floor plans, foundation plans, wall sections, and elevation drawings. An understanding of 3D CAD concepts and terms, and the use of 3D CAD software such as REVIT, are essential to this course, and the required method of producing finished drawings. English language arts, mathematics, and science are reinforced. 


Course Objectives:

    1. Understand Architectural Styles and Industry Terms
    2. Apply procedures to create Floor Plans
    3. Apply procedures to create Foundation plans and Levels of a Building
    4. Apply procedures for drawing View types
    5. Apply Procedures to Complete a Residential Construction Documents (CD) Set

Honors Statement:

This course is an honors level course.  Students earning credit for an Honors level course receive an elevated number of Quality Points for their Grade Point Average.  Students should be aware that this Honors level course will include:

    • More challenging coursework and assessments.  Students will be expected to demonstrate higher levels of understanding for grades.
    • Projects and presentations will be more in depth.  
    • Students will have to focus and study regularly to master the content. 
    • The expectation that students can move through the coursework at an accelerated pace and students experiencing difficulty should quickly seek guidance from their teacher on how they can be more successful.


Grading Policy:

The semester will be divided into 3 six-week periods. Each six weeks will count 25% of the final grade.  The final exam will count 25% of the overall grade. The final exam cannot be exempted. The six week grades are awarded on a point system as follows:


Tests:  100-200 points each

Projects: 100-200 points each

Classwork, quizzes and other assignments: 10 – 50 points each


Categories of Quizzes, Exams, and Projects will be equally weighted to make up each six week grade – therefore each quiz and test is very important.    Extra credit may be possible – at the teacher’s discretion – during the semester to further explore a concept, not to make up for delinquent work or poor grades.


Final Exam:

An exam will be given at the end of the course as a review of what was covered during the entire course. The final End-of-Course Exam (EOC) is a state mandated test.  

Supplies Needed:

    1. USB Flash Drive (4GB minimum)
    2. #2 Pencils or 0.5 mm mechanical pencil
    3. Each student is required to have a 1” - Three Ring Binder
    4. Engineering Journal (IED is acceptable)



The primary resource for communicating information will be through the class Canvas page, which can be found on the CATA website.  All assignments and copies of lectures will be made available on Canvas.  Additionally there will be a tab for Student Resources available to students. 




    1. As assigned in class from various sources.

Quizzes / Tests:

    1. Vocabulary quizzes are used to review new vocabulary introduced with each unit.
    2. Unit tests are used to review chapter, lecture and demonstration topics.
    3. Review tests are an excellent tool to help reinforce your learning. Please take advantage of the test questions, and do not hesitate to ask about or discuss test questions.
    4. Practical assessments are a part of the course where students are expected to be able to produce a drawing within a specified time frame.

Exercises / Problems:

    1. Exercises / problems will be assigned from various resources and can be found in the class Canvas page.
    2. Hand drawn and lettering work are to be kept in your 3-ring binder and remain in the classroom.
    3. The primary online resource for CAD will be
    4. All CAD WORK should be saved to your USB Flash Drive using the specified file name. For example, save Exercise 1-2 as EX1-2.
    5. Follow all the steps required to complete each exercise. This will be confirmed when your files are evaluated.


Make-up Work rules / Procedures:

Per policy students will have (2) days to make up work for every (1) day of an excused absence.  It will be the student’s responsibility to determine what was missed by checking Canvas, their partners in class, or the teacher outside of instructional time.  Students are to submit any assignments, make up quizzes / tests within this time frame.  Failure to do so will result in a zero entered for the grade. 


Arrangements in advance are welcomed, including via e-mail.



The majority of assignments will be submitted on our new "learning platform," Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem.  The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id. 

               Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook.  The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform.  Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on Powerschool. 


Classroom Policies and Expectations:

    1. All necessary materials will be brought to class every day.
    2. Every student should be seated and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings.
    3. All assignments and projects are to be turned in on time. Late work will automatically receive a (1) letter grade deduction for each day late.  (Use Cougar time wisely)
    4. Cheating will not be tolerated. Do your own work. All suspected of cheating will receive a zero for each assignment.
    5. Make up work due to an excused absence is the student’s responsibility. A student has 2 days per each day missed to make up missed work. After that the grade will be a zero unless prior agreement is made with the teacher.
    6. No food or drink is allowed in the drafting lab.
    7. No inappropriate behavior (i.e. profanity, bullying, horse-play)
    8. Respect all UCPS property (i.e. computers, desks, chairs, drafting equipment)
    9. Students are to receive permission and a handwritten pass from the teacher to leave the classroom.
    10. Each student is responsible for keeping up with Handouts and class notes. Focus on the task at hand and do the work that is expected. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to find out what information is needed for their notebook.
    11. Everyone is to be treated with respect. If the teacher or another student is speaking to the class they deserve your attention. No threatening, negative talk, or put-downs.
    12. All CATA Rules and Union County Public Schools Rules as stated in the student handbook are to be followed, specifically regarding cell phones, ear buds, wearing hats, dress code, etc.


Consequences for Violating Policies and Guidelines:

    1. Verbal Warning
    2. Student/Teacher Conference
    3. Parent Contact (phone call home during class and/or parent/teacher meeting)
    4. Office Referral


Computer Use Guidelines:

The computers are to be used for classroom instruction only. Students are not to be on the internet unless the classroom assignment requires it. The computer is not to be used to play games. Do not change any settings on the computer.


The following activities are strictly prohibited on all computers and will result in disciplinary action:

    • Tampering or mistreating computer hardware in any way (display settings, unplugging, switching mice or keyboards, etc.)
    • Listening to music, playing games, or watching videos/movies that are not teacher directed
    • Placing games/entertainment files in shared folders on the network
    • Bypassing the internet filter to access blocked websites
    • Participating in chat rooms or online “meeting” websites (i.e. My Space, facebook, Snapchat)
    • Outside Email (only school email accounts are allowed)
    • Tampering with system files of computers
    • Accessing network files not associated with course content
    • Accessing websites with inappropriate content (i.e. gang related, sexually explicit materials, sites containing profanity)

Consequences for Violating Computer Guidelines:

1st Offense: Restricted computer access

2nd Offense: Access blocked for remaining class period and parent contact (phone call home during class)


Repeated offenses will result in parent/teacher meeting and/or office referral.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due