Course Syllabus

Exploratory Spanish – 6th Grade

¡Bienvenidos a su clase de español! (Welcome to your Spanish class!) - My name is Señora Cass and I am very proud to be a part of the Marvin Ridge Middle School Community. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio, but have traveled extensively in Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Costa Rica. I plan to bring a wealth of knowledge of culture and language from these countries to your classroom. Through various teaching methods and techniques I hope to create an enjoyable and interesting experience to help facilitate your learning. Why study Spanish? - Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the United States. The influences can be seen everywhere – names, food, celebrations. The Spanish-speaking world is rich in music, art, literature, history and every traditions. Learning about culture helps you to understand others’ perspectives, behaviors and contributions to the world at large. It also fosters tolerance of people who may be different than you. Knowing Spanish can greatly increase your employment opportunities in the future. Many businesses are now looking for people who can speak and understand Spanish. Also, most universities now require 3 years of a world language as a prerequisite for admission.

Course Description – 6th grade Spanish is a beginning course that lasts 6 weeks. Students will be introduced to the Spanish language and be given opportunities to practice proficiency, while learning about the relevant world culture. The emphasis is placed on 4 skill areas – listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this introductory course our main focus will be on listening and speaking.


• Folder

• Notebook/loose-leaf paper

• Pens/pencils

• Notecards

Reglas de la Clase – Classroom Rules

1. Siempre respeta a los demás – Always respect others

2. Sientate en tu asiento y listo para trabajar –Be in your seat and ready to work

3. Levanta la mano si quieres hablar – Raise your hand if you want to talk

4. Ven a la clase preparados – Come to class prepared

5. Sigue las instrucciones de la maestra – Follow the instructions of the teacher

Classroom Expections

1. Follow classroom rules

2. Complete assignments by due dates

3. Actively participate in cooperative groups

4. Work to the best of your ability

5. Have an open mind


*If the rules/expectations are not met, the following consequences will occur. Please note – depending on the infraction, the order could change.

1. Verbal warning/discussion

2. Contact parent

3. Related arts detention

4. Referral to Administrator

Grading System – How you will be evaluated

The Union County Public School system now uses a 10 point grading scale. 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-Lower F

The following weights are used for this Spanish course.

Interpersonal Communication – Speaking – 17.5%

Interpretive Communication – Listening – 27.5%

Presentational Communication – Speaking – 10%

Interpretive Communication – Reading – 12.5%

Presentational Writing – 12.5%

Cultural Comparisons – 10%

Performance in Class – 10%

Pesos – A Reward System

You have the opportunity to earn pesos for following classroom rules, actively participating in class and for speaking Spanish in and outside of class! You can save your pesos and turn them in for extra credit (each peso is worth one extra credit point).

Course Summary:

Date Details Due