Course Syllabus

Central Academy of Technology and Arts

           English III

           Gary Anderson

          Class Syllabus- Spring 2017


Class Description:  Students in English III will be reading, discussing, and writing about both classical and contemporary American literature. We will focus on the cultural significance of each work. In addition, there will be a focus on ACT writing strategies, ACT vocabulary, and ACT testing strategies. All juniors will take an ACT style writing test in late February and the full version of the ACT in the later part of the semester. This is an excellent opportunity to see how you perform on the ACT and your scores can be sent to the college of your choice if you are happy with the score. Students will also select an article of the week from and analyze the author’s rhetorical strategies using a rubric that will be provided. Articles of the week will be due each Thursday. One additional component of English III will be participating in “Poetry out Loud.”  This will give students an opportunity to focus on public speaking. All English III students are required to take the NC Final Exam at the end of the semester.

Curriculum:  In addition to various selections from the textbook, we will use the following major works of literature as the basis for our specific study. The official North Carolina Common Core standards can be found on the following web site:

First Six Weeks

“The Crucible” (play)

ACT Writing Strategies

Research Paper

Second Six Weeks

The Great Gatsby (novel)

Literary Analysis Essay

Poetry out Loud                    

Third Six Weeks

A Lesson Before Dying (novel)

Walking Across Egypt (novel)

Cry, the Beloved Country (novel) – Globalization focus for Honors only.          

Required Materials

  • Binder for handouts and notes.
  • School issued lap top charged daily.
  • Loose leaf notebook paper.
  • 5x 8 index cards.

Grading Guidelines

40%- Test, projects, essays

20%- Classwork/Homework

20%- Vocabulary quizzes

20%- General quizzes

*I frequently update grades in Power School and encourage parents to check on their student’s progress weekly. In addition, each student will receive a printed out progress report approximately three weeks into each grading period.

Policies for Homework, Major Assignments, and Make-up Work

  • Homework is due at the beginning of class. Keep in mind that homework may be in the form of reading an assigned chapter.
  • Ten points will be deducted for each day that a major assignment (essay or project) is late. The assignment will receive a zero if not turned in within three days.
  • It is extremely important that you promptly make up missed assignments if you are absent. If you are absent on the day that an assignment is due, please turn it in on the day you return.
  • Make-up test and quizzes must be completed within five days of your return from the absence.
  • Please communicate with me if you have a family emergency or serious illness, so that I can work with you on making up your assignments.

A Final Note:   

English III is available for honors credit or at the college preparatory level.  Students earning credit for an honors level course receive an elevated number of quality points for their grade point average.  Students choosing the honors level course should be aware that this honors level course will include:

  • Required extension opportunities that are directly related to the standard course of study. This includes additional content beyond that covered in the College Preparatory level.
  • More challenging coursework and assessments.  Students will be expected to demonstrate higher levels of understanding for grades.
  • Projects and presentations will be more in depth.  
  • Students will have to focus and study regularly to master the content. 
  • The expectation that students can move through the coursework at an accelerated pace and students experiencing difficulty should quickly seek guidance from their teacher on how they can be more successful.



Contact Information

CATA Phone #- 704-296-3088

I reserve Wednesday afternoons for make-up work time or extra help from 3:30-4:30.  Let’s all work together to make this an awesome semester.





Course Summary:

Date Details Due