Course Syllabus

6th Grade Math

Grading Policy

Students will be assessed through both formal and informal assessments. Formal assessments (Summative) include tests and quizzes and will be given every Friday. Informal assessments (Formatives) will include classwork and will be weekly. Homework will be assigned daily and/or weekly.

NOTE: Students MUST show all work to receive full credit on assignments and assessments.

Grading Breakdown Grading Scale

Formatives    45% A 90 -100

Summatives  45% B 80 - 89

Homework    10% C 70 - 79

D 60 - 69

F 0 - 59


All students have the opportunity to make corrections on all graded work.  For the student to receive 1/2 credit for each correct answer, they must adhere to the following guidelines:

1)   Corrections must be on a separate sheet of paper.

2)   Work must be shown to support the correct answer.

In addition for Formatives:

3)   Analyze mistake and write 1-2 sentences explaining how/why you arrived at the wrong answer (i.e. didn’t understand, rushed, didn’t study, silly error, etc)

4)  Write 1-2 sentences explaining how you will prevent making the same mistake in the future.


If a student would like extra instruction, tutoring will be available each Wednesday during lunch and recess.

If You Are Absent

Check the “While You Were Out” folders for any missed work. It is your responsibility, NOT the teachers to make sure you have collected the work and turned it in.

Classroom Procedures/Expectations

Starting Class

You start the class - not the teacher!

  1. Get your materials for class (ie. ISN, calculator, pencil, paper, etc)
  2. Complete warm-up on the board.

Turning in Papers

Place all papers that are to be submitted in your block’s bin located on the counter near the sink.

*make sure the paper contains your name and number

Sharpening a Pencil

Please sharpen pencils before class begins. If necessary, you may sharpen your pencil during class but NOT while the teacher is speaking. Use your own judgement to determine a good time. Only 1 student at a time is allowed at the pencil sharpener.

Using the Bathroom

You should use the bathroom in between classes or during lunch/activity. DO NOT wait till it is an emergency.

When You Need Help

  1. Look for answer in your ISN
  2. Ask your neighbor - NOT your friend across the room :-)
  3. Raise your hand and patiently wait for me to respond

Classroom Discussions

ALL students are asked to participate in classroom discussions. I want to hear what you have to say!

However, please make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your questions is off topic, write it down and ask me later. Students should raise their hand to volunteer an answer or ask a question. Please refrain from shouting out ideas without being called on.


End of Class Dismissal

The teacher dismisses the class, not the clock. DO NOT start packing up your materials in anticipation of the end of class. Class is over when I say: “Have a Great Day!”. Before your leave, straighten your desk and look at the floor around you. Pick up any items on the floor (whether they belong to you or not) and throw them in the trash if necessary. Make sure to push in your chair before you leave and take ALL of your belongings with you.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due