Course Syllabus

Marvin Ridge High School

Chemistry Honors

Ms. Stuntz

Course Description:  This course is a laboratory based science class emphasizing atomic structure.  Chemistry builds knowledge over the course of a semester.  This means that information learned the first week of class will be used throughout the semester.  Please come to class the first week prepared to learn.  This is an Honors class therefore there will be projects which will count as a test grade.  Additionally, this course has a NC Final exam which will count 25% of the final grade.

Course Grading:  Tests and Lab Reports 65%, Quizzes 20%, and Classwork/Homework 15%

Course Materials and Supplies:

  • 3 ring binder with divider pockets
  • Scientific calculator
  • Pencils and pens

Classroom Rules:

  • I won’t interrupt you when you are asking/answering a question; please don’t talk when I am talking or teaching.
  • Lab Safety is important! Please follow all safety rules as discussed for each activity. 
  • Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings
  • Your Chrome Book is a privilege; please use it appropriately in class.
  • Understand that academic honesty is a major step towards having a successful and healthy future.
  • Cell phones are a distraction to the learning process and against school rules. Per school policy – they will be taken to the office if you are violating the cell phone policy.


Hints for Success:  Ask questions if you do not understand the material, you may not be the only one not grasping the material.  Make sure that you are not taking short cuts when it comes to learning the material.  Attend tutoring sessions.    

Albert Einstein:  “Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”  

Albert Einstein:  “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”



Academic Dishonesty:  Any student cheating in this class will receive a zero on the assignment and a behavioral referral to the office.  Please be aware that cheating is outright copying the work of another student, looking at notes during a quiz, allowing someone else to copy your paper or homework answers, using work off the internet without documenting the source, and talking or communicating in any way during a testing situation.  The expectation is that you do your own work and as a result learn the material for the betterment of your future.

Passes:  Please consider your priorities when asking to exit class.  It is important that students remain in the class during instructional time.  Therefore, ask appropriately and wisely when requesting bathroom privileges. 

I agree to:

  • Follow classroom rules and laboratory safety procedures
  • Respect the rights of others to learn
  • Stay focused and listen respectfully as the material is presented
  • Complete all assignments by due date
  • Be academically honest on tests, quizzes, classwork, and homework









Course Summary:

Date Details Due