Course Syllabus


Welcome Mrs. Godbey’s Music class! I am excited about what the semester holds and look forward to a great year! In this course we explore elements in general music such as steady tone, techniques for singing sound and symbol systems of music.  Please feel free to contact me at any time; Amanda Godbey,, 704-290-1510.     Rules/Consequences: In this class there are a set of rules and consequences set forth for each student to follow.

RULE                                                                         CONSEQUENCES

  • Be in seat at beginning of class with materials    * Verbal Warning
  • Be respectful to yourself and others     * 7 points off Artistic Discipline
  • No food or gum         *Call home
  • Participate in all activities       *In School Detention
  • Please raise hand to speak or leave your seat     *Office Referral
  • Listen to the teacher, student or speaker/singer


General Curriculum:  The students will explore the elements of music and musical techniques to sing music with accuracy and expression.  This will include music vocabulary, fundamental techniques necessary to sing, and expression elements, interrupt and write musical notation, understanding the interacting elements to respond to music and musical performance global, interdisciplinary and 21st Century connections to music.

Behavior Plan: The Related Arts classes will follow the proceeding  infraction policy for the violation of class rules: 1) Student Warning 2) Parent Contact 3) Dentition (serve the nest day during Related Arts class) with Parent Contact 4) Referral to Administrator.  Other consequences in class may include but are not limited to: conferencing with student, change of seating assignment and/or removal from situation or other interventions as necessary.  Severe issues will be handled in direct accordance to Marvin Ridge Middle School and/or Union County Public Schools policy.

Grades:  The students will be given a weekly Artistic Discipline grade.  Every piece of work will be graded on a 100 point grading scale. 

100-90 –A          89-80 –B          79-70 –C           69-60 – D            50- below –F        


 Keep the above information.  Cut and return the bottom slip on the next day to receive bonus points.


Grade ____________      Student name _____________________________________________


We have discussed and read the following information. 


Student signature_______________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due