Course Syllabus

This is the first of three courses that should lead to a Cisco CCNA certificate.  It includes the skills required for designing and configuring a computer network.  This course helps prepare students for the Cisco CCNA and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.

If you’re considering a career in computer technology, this courses along with Network II and III should prepare you for Cisco CCNA, the standard certification for network positions.


Most assignments will be completed in class. Only completed assignments turned in at the end of class, or when necessary the following class period, can receive full credit. Come to class prepared!

All homework assignments are to be completed in Canvas and submitted by the due date for credit.

Class Attendance Policy:

Regular attendance is required.  Your presence in class is crucial since most of the activities in this course occur during class time.  Your active participation will enhance your success as well as that of your classmates.  Be active in class!  Participate in class discussions!  Your opinions, input, and questions are what this class is all about! 

Credit will not be granted for classes when absences for a student reach eight days for a semester long course and fifteen days for a year long course. Absences include those that are lawful, unlawful, and due to suspension.

 Following any absence(s), a student is required to present a written document from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence.

 Make up:

It is ultimately your responsibility to keep up with class activities and assignments.  Upon returning from an excused absence, students will be given two days for each day absence to make up the work missed.  When arrangements are not made to complete make-up work or if it is not submitted in time, the student will receive NO credit. 

Tardy Policy:

Students are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. A student is tardy when he/she is not in the classroom where his/her class regularly meets when the bell begins to ring.

Students who are tardy to class will be sent to the office to receive a tardy admit slip. A tardy will be recorded. Please review your CATA handbook for additional information regarding the tardy policy.


I expect students to be active participants in their education. Any student who needs extra help is encouraged to make an appointment.  CATA requires any student whose grade falls below 70/C to attend tutoring.

I am available if you have questions or concerns. I can be reached via email at,

Grading Scale: 

  • A = 90 – 100
  • B = 80 – 89
  • C = 70 – 79
  • D = 60 – 69
  • F = 0 – 50

Homework                  15%

Quiz                            15%

Test                             40%

Lab                              30%

Classroom Materials

Supplies Needed for Class: Bring to every class:

  • Notebook
  • Flash Drive (min. 2GB)
  • Pen/Pencil


  • Be on time—If you are tardy if you are not in class and seated when the tardy bell rings.
  • Be prepared—Please bring necessary materials to class with you. Do not ask for permission to go to your locker during class
  • Be respectful—Follow classroom and school rules and regulations
  • Do not eat, drink (except water), or chew gum in class
  • Do your best—Demonstrate good behavior, take pride in your work, and take advantage of tutoring (Tuesdays and Thursdays—other days by appointment)
  • No electronic devices (e.g. cell phones, IPods, gaming devices, etc.)

Honor Code:

Students will refrain from copying, downloading, or otherwise claiming work of others to be their own. Sharing of flash drives is unacceptable. Students shall not cheat on test/examinations, copy the work of another, download or complete any type of academic assignment in a dishonest or deceptive manner. These acts are considered cheating and students will be disciplined as such. Students shall not forge parents/guardians/teachers signatures or make fraudulent use of official school documents.               

Course Summary:

Date Details Due