Course Syllabus

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Foundations of Mathematics

Welcome to our classes this semester.  We hope you enjoy this math class and we promise to make it as fun and engaging as possible.  In order to maintain a positive learning environment, and keep everyone focused, rules must be followed. 

  • All school rules must be followed as per the MHS Handbook.
  • Our expectations are:
    • Attendance will be good
    • You will follow rules and maintain good behavior
    • Your grades will be good or parents will be notified
    • You will be prepared for class everyday with notebook, pencils and way to keep your work organized
    • We expect all students to maintain an 80% or better.

Tardies:  The door will be shut when the bell rings.  If you are not IN the room at that point you will be locked out and be given either after school or lunch detention.


Tutoring is available:

  • After School (arrange with your teacher)
  • During Redhawk on your assigned day
  • During Priority One days


The grading policy will be:

        40% Tests

        30% Quizzes

20% Homework 

-If you have an A in class, you do not have to complete homework

-All homework must be completed in the week that it is assigned, unless absent.  You will then have until

 the following week.

-You will have the last few minutes of each class to start homework and then it must be finished for


        10% Classwork


If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.  You can call and leave a message at the school or email, which is the best form of contact at:

Course Summary:

Date Details Due