Course Syllabus



Welcome to Honors Health Science I.  In this course we will study human body systems.  We will move on through the anatomy, physiology, and disease processes of all the body systems. 

This is a fast paced course and you can expect a unit test every 5-6 class periods.  Students are expected to maintain a notebook containing handouts, diagrams, notes and study guides.

 All work is expected to be turned in on time.  Late work will not be accepted.  Make-up tests will only be given to students who are absent on test days. Students will have 5 class days to make up tests.  All make up tests are to be taken either before or after school. 

Honors Health Science I has a state-mandated final exam.  Grades are based on unit tests (45%), notebooks, monthly homework calendar and quizzes (30%), daily class work and homework (25%).   Progress reports will be issued to all students.  

I am available to work with students individually or as a small group either before school or after school.  Students who feel they would benefit from tutoring or review should see me.  Parents may leave me a message at the school office.  I can also be reached by e-mail at


I do not tolerate cell phone use in class. Phones visible in class will be confiscated and turned in to the office. 

Chromebooks will only be used for specific assignments. Students are expected to take notes by hand. When the students are using the laptop, he/she is expected to be using it appropriately for educational purposes.  Students who are found to be using the laptop for games, or other activities not related to the classroom will lose the privilege of using it in class.


Contact Information:

School Phone: 704-708-5530


Cell Phone: 704-905-9034  (text only)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due