Course Syllabus

Ms. Mason's Website

418-4186894_goods-sporting-football-sports-street-team-sport-clipart (1).pngPhysical Education & Health


Office Hours:  9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.




Mission Statement: The mission of Physical Education is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

Welcome to Porter Ridge Middle Physical Education!  I am excited to have your child in our program.  I would like to inform you of our requirements and procedures.  This will enable your child to comply with our program’s expectations.

Physical Education classes are year long.   Health will be taught by your student's P.E. teacher.  All classes run on an A/B Day rotation schedule, which means they will have P.E. class every other day.  Students are required to dress out for Physical Education class.  You are encouraged to bring a plastic or metal water bottle! Glass water bottles are not allowed due to possible breakage.  Phones are not allowed during P.E. or Health classes.  After one warning the phone will be collected from the student, thank you!

Physical Education Guidelines  

Physical Education Attire

Shirts and Shorts:

The PRMS uniform is $20.00

Shorts $10.00, Shirts $10.00

The uniform can be purchased in the main office/student services.  Students may wear appropriate sweatshirts or sweatpants (no spandex, tights, or pajama pants) during cooler weather months.  The uniform shirt must be worn under sweatshirts in order to receive credit.  Shorts do not have to be worn under sweatpants.

Shoes:  Rubber soled tennis shoes, with enclosed backs.  All sneakers must be laced up and tied for class.  Crocs, Hey Dudes, and Slides are not tennis shoes.

Locker Rooms

Lockers will be available for student use during class time only.  Locks are strongly suggested!!!  P.E. teachers are NOT responsible for stolen items.  Jewelry, money, phones, and other personal items should be left in hall lockers or locked up in a gym locker.  Locks must be removed from the lockers at the end of each period.   No food, perfumes, phones, or glass water bottles are allowed in the locker rooms.  

For more in depth Physical Education and Health guidelines for 2023-2024 click here!

Daily Class Expectations

1.  Look for a Canvas announcement or weekly email.  These will inform you of our current class activities and other needed information for that week.

2.  Canvas:  Some assignments could be assigned on Canvas during class, or due to an extended student absence/doctor note requiring student to be excused from P.E. class.  

 a.  When participating due to an extended absence, it is an expectation that you try to exercise at least 40 minutes per day on your assigned P.E. class day.  You'll complete the calisthenics/cardio section (20 minutes) and then the assignment activity (20-30 minutes) in Canvas dated for that day.  There could be an assignment, or just your choice of cardiovascular exercise for the days you are out.

 b.  When a student is excused from P.E. for an extended period of time, assignments will be given in class dealing with Physical Education/Health topics.  Students are expected to complete the paper, or Canvas, assignment by the end of the class block.  If it is not completed by the end of the block, students will not receive full credit.  

Follow the directions for Canvas assignments below:  

Canvas assignments:  Go to, Modules, in the navigation bar on the left and click on appropriate dated assignment for your class day.  The assignment should take no more than thirty minutes to complete and submit.  Most will be due that same day.  Follow the assignment directions to make sure they are completed and submitted on time. 

  Canvas: Most all of our assignments will be submitted on our "learning platform," Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents.  Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student GuideLinks to an external site.Links to an external site. for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem.  The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user I.D.          

3.  Grading 

Students can earn up to 20 points for each day of physical education/health class.       

+5 points:  P.E.- Proper completion of Calisthenics warm-up each class day/Health - Completion of health warm-up each day. 

+5 points:  P.E. - Dressing out for P.E. class in the P.E. uniform/Health - 

+10 points:  P.E.- Participation in the cardiovascular endurance and class activity unit during class/Health - Completion of class assignment/activity each day

*Grades will be updated weekly in Power School.
*All assignments will be listed by name/date for each week in Power School. There could be an additional assignment/project added for points during one six weeks each semester.

 4. Conduct  

Outstanding = zero violations during the six week grading period; Satisfactory = 1-3 conduct violations; Needs Improvement = 4-5 conduct violations; Unsatisfactory  = 6 or more conduct violations


Parents/Guardians--You can click on the, Abstinence Form, link below if you haven't filled out the form.  Read thru the information, choose PRMS, and click your choice, hit submit, and that's it! 

Please remember to return the paper copies of the abstinence forms to Mrs. Rowell, as soon as possible.  Do not give them to homeroom teachers.  They may have come home in your summer mailing packet or were sent home with students by me.  It is important to have the form for participation in our abstinence curriculum. Thank you!

Abstinence Form Link

 Supply List

P.E. - P.E. uniform, water bottle, sneakers, and a fantastic attitude.  If your student has a medical issue, please make sure medical supplies are approved by the school nurse for self-carry.  Contact the nurse at our school for any medical updates.  Student can carry all items in a drawstring bag.

Health - Computer, pencil, notebook or folder with paper.   

Wish List:  Lysol wipes or spray for equipment and high touch surface areas, tissues, pool noodles, full length.