Course Syllabus
BI12: Comp TIA-IT Fundamentals- This course is designed for individuals who are considering a career in information technology (IT) and is a prerequisite for other computer science courses at CATA. By the end of the course, students will be provided the opportunity to obtain the CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification.
Course Overview:
The course is a curriculum created by the Computing Technology Industry Association and adopted by the State of North Carolina. The curriculum works through ten modules and develops skills in various aspects of information technology.
Goals and Objectives of Comp TIA-IT Fundamentals |
Module 1: Course Overview |
Module 6: Networking |
1.2 |
What is Information Technology |
6.2 |
Networking Basics |
1.3 |
Technology and Ethics |
6.3 |
Wired and Wireless Networking |
Module 2 Information Technology basics |
6.4 |
Internet Connectivity |
2.2 |
Introduction to Computers |
6.5 |
Networking Protocols |
2.3 |
Digital Data |
6.6 |
Application Delivery |
2.4 |
Media Formatting |
6.7 |
Network Troubleshooting |
2.3 |
Digital media Careers |
6.8 |
Networking Careers |
Module 3: Computer Hardware |
Module 7: Securing Computing Devices |
3.2 |
Computing Devices |
7.2 |
Introduction to databases |
3.3 |
Internal Components |
7.3 |
Relational databases |
3.4 |
Input and Output |
7.4 |
Querying Databases |
3.5 |
Storage |
7.5 |
Non-Relational Databases |
3.6 |
Hardware Troubleshooting |
7.6 |
Database Careers |
3.7 |
Computer Hardware Careers |
Module 8: Programming |
Module 4: Computer Software |
8.2 |
Programming Overview |
4.2 |
Operating Systems |
8.3 |
Programming Fundamentals |
4.3 |
More System Software |
8.4 |
Programming Paradigms and Processes |
4.4 |
File Management |
8.5 |
Web Development |
4.5 |
Application Software |
8.6 |
Programming careers |
4.6 |
Printing |
Module 9: Information Systems |
4.7 |
Software Troubleshooting |
9.2 |
Introduction to Information Systems |
4.8 |
Systems Support Careers |
9.3 |
Data Analysis |
Module 5: Internet Technologies |
9.4 |
Designing and Implementing Systems |
5.2 |
The World Wide Web |
9.5 |
Intellectual Property |
5.3 |
Web Browsers |
9.6 |
Information Systems Careers |
5.4 |
Cloud Computing |
Module 10: Cybersecurity |
5.5 |
Social Media |
10.2 |
Security Threats |
5.6 |
Internet Communications Technologies |
10.3 |
Authentication |
5.7 |
The Internet of Things |
10.4 |
Data encryption |
5.8 |
Online Research |
10.5 |
Device Security |
5.9 |
Internet Technology Careers |
10.6 |
Business Continuity Plans |
10.7 |
Cybersecurity Careers |
Course Curriculum can be found at:
Resources: Throughout the course, students will utilize Physical and online resources to assist with learning and practicing to gain an understanding of the components of Comp TIA IT exam. The following resources will be provided.
- TestOut: This application provides learning and practice labs for students.
- Comp TIA: The organizations site contains curriculum and other specific information for obtaining the credential.
Learning Platform: Canvas: The majority of assignments will be submitted on our "learning platform," Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into textboxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. We will have a lesson on the use of Canvas in my class during introductions, so students feel proficient in using the platform.
If students have questions, they can contact me or access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to let me know if there is a problem. The Canvas Learning Platform tracks every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user ID. Canvas scores will transfer to the gradebook in PowerSchool as needed. The most accurate grades will be found in PowerSchool which is the official gradebook.
Supplies: The only supplies necessary for the course are as follows:
- A small binder or notebook to hold notes and papers
- Writing utensils
- A flash drive to save student data
If any student has trouble obtaining these items, please contact Mr. Challand.
It is essential that every student is in class, on time, and prepared to learn every day. This is a course that focuses on teamwork and individual achievement. By listening, asking questions, and working together, we will create a structure of responsible and successful individuals.
Grading Policy
Grading Scale
100 – 90 = A
89 – 80 = B
79 – 70 = C
69 –60 = D
59 or below = F
75% of semester grade: Daily work, tests/quizzes, projects
25% of semester grade: Final Exam
Late Work:
Work turned in after the due date will receive a 5-point deduction per day it is late. Work that is not turned in at all will receive a grade of 0.
Make-up Work:
- A student who misses homework, assignments or project due dates because of absences will be allowed to make up the work. Arrangements for completing the work should be made within five school days of the student’s return to school.
- A student who misses a test or quiz is expected to make up the assessment within one week of their return.
- It is the students’ responsibility to contact Mr. Challand for any make-up work.
Note: Re-tests are available for students who score poorly on exams. A student can only receive a maximum score of 80% on re-assessments. Re-tests must be completed within one week of the original date and only after the student has attended tutoring with Mr. Challand.
Regular attendance is required. Your presence in class is crucial since most of the activities in this course occur during class time. Your active participation will enhance your success as well as that of your classmates. Be active in class! Participate in class discussions! Your opinions, input, and questions are what this class is all about! Class attendance is part of your final grade.
Credit will not be granted for classes when absences for a student reach eight days for a semester long course and fifteen days for a yearlong course. Absences include those that are lawful, unlawful, and due to suspension.
Following any absence(s), a student is required to present a written document from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence.
Students are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. A student is tardy when he/she is not in the classroom when the bell begins to ring. Student must report to the office for an admittance slip. All tardies will be recorded. See the CATA Handbook for tardy policy and consequences.
Policies Regarding Academic Dishonesty:
Honesty and integrity are two of the most important qualities an individual can possess. Any dishonest behavior, including but not limited to acts such as copying another student’s work, giving someone your work to be copied, forging a signature, or not telling the truth when asked are signs of a lack of integrity and will not be tolerated. The honor code will strictly be enforced and consequences for violations of the honor code will be applied. If found or suspected of plagiarism or cheating of any kind, the student will receive a score of zero for that test/assignment and no make-up will be allowed.
The score of zero will be permanent.
In addition to risking a failing grade there are several other practical reasons not to cheat.
- No grade is worth sacrificing your character.
- You do not have to live with the knowledge that you behaved dishonestly while under pressure.
- You will take pride that your work is your own.
- Professionals in all industries must adhere to a code of ethics outlined by their employer, community, or licensing entity. Practical ethical behavior becomes easier the more it is practiced.
Each student is guaranteed the right to a good education. Therefore, disruptive behavior on the part of any student will not be tolerated.
- Preparation: All students are expected to arrive to class prepared and in possession of all required materials stated in this syllabus. If a student or parent has difficulty obtaining the necessary materials, contact Mr. Challand for assistance.
- Engagement/Sleeping: All students are expected to be engaged in the class activities for the entire period. At no time are students permitted to opt out of an assignment. Sleeping or putting head down in class is not tolerated at any time.
- Electronics: There is a zero tolerance regarding electronics and will be strictly enforced. If a student is found using an electronic device (MP3 players including earphones, cellular phones, cameras etc.) in class, the teacher may follow policies comprising confiscation up to and including an administrative referral.
- Eating and Drinking: There is absolutely no food permitted in my classroom. The only acceptable beverage is water in a clear plastic bottle. This policy is in place to prevent distractions and to maintain a sanitary work environment
- Dress Code: All students are expected to adhere to the dress code that is outlined in the student handbook. If a student is in violation of the dress code they will immediately be sent to a member of the administrative team.
- School Materials: We are fortunate that CATA has provided us with contemporary materials. You will be expected to use these materials in a respectful manner, as they must last for many years. Inappropriate use of materials including books and/or technology equipment will be dealt with accordingly.
Teacher Contact Information:
Instructor: Mr. Kelly (KC) Challand
Location: Room 117
Phone: 704-296-3088
Tutoring hours: Tuesdays 8:25 AM to 9:05 AM
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |