Course Syllabus

Welcome to Discrete Math Honors!

Course Description The purpose of this course is to introduce discrete structures that are the backbone of computer science. Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are countable or otherwise distinct and separable. The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete mathematics, such as logic, combinatorics, proof, and graph theory. At most universities, an undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is required for students who plan to pursue careers as computer programmers, software engineers, data scientists, security analysts and financial analysts. Students will be prepared for college level algebra, statistics, and discrete mathematics courses. The word discrete means characterized by distinct or individual parts or discontinuous. For a more specific outline of what topics will be covered, follow this link to the Discrete Math Standards

Some Important Information About the class...

  • Supplies: each day you will need chromebook, 3-Ring Binder, pencil and paper.
  • Classwork: due at the end of class each day. Assignments not turned in on the due date will have points deducted. Classwork turned in late, but before the end of a unit will receive a 70% and students will receive a 50% for classwork turned in after the unit has ended. If a student is absent the day material is learned, the student has 3 school days to complete the assignment for full credit.  After this date I will follow the above late work policy.
  • Assessments: Given in class at the end of each unit.
  • Expectations:  Please arrive in class on time with all class materials. 
  • Grading Scale:
    • 65 % Assessments
    • 35 % Assignments

Contact Info:

  • email:
  • phone: 704-292-7662  ext: 7123

    *emails & phone calls will not be answered during class time.   

    I will make every effort to reply as soon as possible. 

Office Hours:

 Monday and Wednesday


*Other times by appointment




Extra Resources: 





Pacing: There will be 9 units in this course in the order listed below.

  • Unit 1: Sequences and Series
  • Unit 2: Matrices and Vectors
  • Unit 3: Matrix Applications
  • Unit 4: Set Theory
  • Unit 5: Number Theory
  • Unit 6: Combinatorics
  • Unit 7: Graph Theory
  • Unit 8: More Graphs
  • Unit 9: Logic


NOTE: The majority of assignments not completed on paper must be submitted on our learning platform,  Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas as needed.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. Please note that student activity is logged while in Canvas so instructors will be able to see if the student opened the assignment. Any student caught copying another student's work will be given a zero and can not be made up. 


Although some assignments are submitted and graded in our learning platform, Canvas, the "final" grades shown may not be properly weighted and do not contain assignments that were not graded in Canvas.  For the student's official grades, please continue to access the parent portal through Powerschool. Login information should be the same as last year. If you need assistance accessing the parent portal, please contact the school.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due