Course Syllabus

Civic Literacy:

Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina

Mrs. Kristen Coulter

Classroom: G109F


Telephone: (704) 292-7662

Course Description:

This course provides students with an opportunity for a deeper study of the governmental and political systems of North Carolina and the United States. It builds upon the application of the Founding Principles. Students will examine how power and responsibility are shared and limited by the U.S. Constitution and how the judicial, legal, and political systems of North Carolina and the United States embody the founding principles of government. Students will analyze and evaluate the extent to which the American system of government guarantees, protects, and upholds the rights of citizens.

Course Goals and Objectives:

Each lesson will be based on the N.C. Essential Standards and organized around specific standards and objectives.

The standards and objectives in the Founding Principles of the United States of America and North Carolina: Civic Literacy course will provide students the opportunity to engage in intensive application of the skills, concepts, processes, and knowledge gained in previous social studies courses and prepare them to be college, career, and civic ready. 

Course Outline:



Key Unit Topics and Standards




Civic and Civic Responsibility

5 days



Foundations of the American Government

15 days



Political Parties and Beliefs

7 days



Federal Government in Action

20 days



State & Local Government in Action

11 days



Political Participation

10 days



Public Policy

6 days



Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

12 days

*Note: These days are approximate and are subject to adjustment as needed*

Classroom Policies and Expectations:

  • Critical thinking will be a focus, and respect is key to a positive classroom environment.
  • You will be required to participate in respectful discussions.
  • This is a subject REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION.
  • Tests or Quizzes: Tests or quizzes will be given every 1.5 -2 weeks.
  • To be successful in this class, you must take notes, complete assigned classwork and readings daily, participate in class discussions, and answer written prompts.


Required Materials:

  • Charged Chromebook
  • Paper: College ruled
  • Folder
  • Pencil and/or pen


  • Highlighters
  • Colored Pencils

Grading Policy:

A passing grade in this course is required for graduation. Grades are updated in PowerSchool several times per week. If you have questions or concerns, please get in touch with Mrs. Coulter. The grading breakdown is as follows:

    • Assessments: 50%
    • Classwork: 25%
    • Projects: 25%

Time will be given during class to complete assignments. Students requiring additional time may need to complete assignments for homework.

Personal Technology:

All students must follow county and school guidelines regarding electronics. Phones are not permitted in class unless instructed by the teacher. No student is to use earbuds during direct teacher instruction. Failure to comply will result in consequences.

Late Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to check the Canvas page after being absent, complete all missed work after being absent, and turn in any assignments or make-up tests that were due the day of their absence. All missed tests, projects, and classwork will receive a grade of zero (0) until the assignment is made up. Students who miss a test must take the test on the day they return. Students absent more than one day leading up to the test will arrange a date to complete the missing work and then take the test.

All late classwork and projects will automatically be penalized and only be worth 60% of the total possible score on that assignment. An assignment is considered late if it is turned in at any time after the specific due date.

All assignments and assessments will be open one week after the due date on Canvas or until the end of the grading period, whichever date comes first. After that, the assignment/assessment will lock, the assignment/ assessment will no longer be accepted, and the student will receive a zero in PowerSchool.

Classroom Rules:

 In this class, we are:

  • Punctual and Prepared for Class
  • Following directions
  • Respectful to Everyone
  • Always doing our BEST!
  • When using the restroom, students must stay in the LOWER G Hall.

Consequences- Per Administration

  1. Warning (minor incident)
  2. Parent Contact
  3. Afterschool or Saturday Detention and Discipline Court – No Show= Suspension


It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that assignments are on time and to contact the teacher if there is a problem. Most assignments will be submitted on Canvas. Assignments can be submitted in numerous ways, including uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas as needed.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the teacher if there is a problem. Please note that student activity is logged in Canvas so teachers can see if the student opened the assignment and if there was any activity, including a log of student activities during online tests and quizzes.  Students are not allowed to leave the testing window during assessments.  Doing so is considered cheating and will be handled as set forth in the Porter Ridge HS handbook.

NOTICE: Although many assignments are submitted and graded in our learning platform, Canvas, the "final" grades shown may not be properly weighted and do not contain assignments that were not graded in Canvas.  For the student's official grades, please continue to access the parent portal through PowerSchool. Login information should be the same as last year. If you need assistance accessing the parent portal, please get in touch with the school.

** If a student has technical issues with Canvas or any other online platform related to Civics, it is the student’s responsibility to tell the teacher ASAP. Students are expected to log in EVERY DAY and complete work EVERY DAY.


Cheating is a serious offense that will carry heavy consequences. Any student suspected of giving or receiving answers on classwork, tests, or projects will automatically receive a zero (0) for that assignment. This includes cheating on paper and online assignments. All work submitted must be the student’s thinking. Please note that student activity is logged in Canvas so teachers can see if the student opened the assignment and if there was any activity, including a log of student activities during an online test. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE TESTING WINDOW DURING ASSESSMENTS. DOING SO IS CONSIDERED CHEATING.

Office Hours:

Tutoring is for active help, not to complete makeup work. Tutoring can be a very beneficial time for all students, but they must put in the effort. Any student who attends tutoring must come for specific clarification/help with the curriculum. You must be actively participating in class to receive tutoring.

  • BEFORE SCHOOL: by appointment. I have hallway duty some mornings.
  • AFTER SCHOOL: Monday and Thursday, 3:10 until 3:45
  • Students will create an appointment and send me a request for tutoring 24 hours prior.


Any change to policy or procedures will be communicated to the students and parents.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due