Course Syllabus

Porter Ridge High School

Advanced Placement Calculus AB – 2023/2024

Mrs. Greer


Course Description:  The purpose of this course is twofold; to prepare the students for subsequent calculus classes in college and to prepare them to take the AP Calculus AB Exam.  They are expected to draw on all of their previous math experience and apply it to the two major topics:  differentiation and integration and their applications.  The first semester of this course students will receive honors credit and the second semester students will receive AP credit.


Course Objectives: More details can be found at

Students will understand that

EU 1.1: The concept of a limit can be used to understand the behavior of functions

EU 1.2: Continuity is a key property of functions that is defined using limits.

EU 2.1: The derivative of a function is defined as the limit of a difference quotient and can be determined using a variety of strategies.

EU 2.2: The function’s derivative, which is itself a function, can be used to understand the behavior of the function.

EU 2.3: The derivative has multiple interpretations and applications including those that involve instantaneous rates of change.

EU 2.4: The Mean Value Theorem connects the behavior of a differentiable function over an interval to the behavior of the derivative of that function at a particular point in the interval.

EU 3.1: Antidifferentiation is the inverse process of differentiation.

EU 3.2: The definite integral of a function over an interval is the limit of a Riemann sum over that interval and can be calculated using a variety of strategies.

EU 3.3: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, which has two distinct formulations, connects differentiation and integration.

EU 3.4: The definite integral of a function over an interval is a mathematical tool with many interpretations and applications involving accumulation.

EU 3.5: Antidifferentiation is an underlying concept involved in solving separable differential equations. Solving separable differential equations involves determining a function or relation given its rate of change.


Pacing: The following pacing is tentative and subject to change.

               August: Limits & Their Properties                                January: Integration

               September: Limits & Differentiation                            February: Integration & Differential Equations

               October: Derivatives and Their Applications               March: Applications of Integration

               November: Applications of Differentiation                  April: Review for the AP Exam

               December: Integration                                                    May: Enrichment Topics


Grading: Grades will consist of two categories: Tests and Assignments. Grades can be accessed on Power School.

  • TESTS (75%): There will be 2 or 3 tests given during each six-week term. Each test is worth 100 points. Tests will consist of calculator active and calculator inactive sections and will include both multiple choice and free response questions. In addition, 10-point quizzes will be given (10-15 per six-week term).
  • Corrections will be an option for tests only and must be done before or after school. (1/4 point per multiple choice question, and ½ point for free response questions) Corrections will NOT be an option for Daily Quizzes. Corrections must be done BEFORE the next test.
  • ASSIGNMENTS (25%): Daily assignments will be given to reinforce the understanding of the material. Assignments will generally be due by the next class period and will consist of both online assignments and paper assignments. (Late Work can be turned in for 50% credit until the end of the unit) It is the student’s responsibility to turn paper assignments into the appropriate tray on time.


Office Hours: Monday & Thursday 3:15 – 3:45; Other times by appointment



  • Paper and pencil (I recommend a binder, but it is not required.)
  • Graphing calculator (TI83 or TI84 preferred), Owning a graphing calculator is ideal for students but it that is not an option, a limited number of calculators will be available to be checked out of the media center for the semester
  • Textbook Calculus for AP by Ron Larson and Paul Battaglia
  • Dry erase markers (optional)




Classroom Procedures:

  • HALL PASSES: There is a sign out sheet by the door. If a student needs to leave the room for any reason during a test or quiz, he/she must leave his/her cell phone with me.
  • CELL PHONES: Phones and earbuds will be taken when used at inappropriate times. PUT THEM AWAY!!
  • BEHAVIOR: You are expected to behave in a scholarly manner when you are in the classroom.
  • CHEATING: Cheating/Plagarism is unacceptable. If a student is caught cheating on an assignment and/or test, the student will receive a zero. This applies to both the student giving and receiving answers.
  • ATTENDANCE: Attendance and punctuality are VERY important. It is very difficult to do well in Calculus if you are not attending class.
    • You are expected to attend class at the regularly scheduled time. Otherwise you will be counted absent.
    • You are expected to do assignments when they are assigned and completed by the due date.
    • You are expected to check Canvas for assignments and due dates.
    • You are expected to make up work when you are absent.
    • Parents can provide notes for up to 5 days that a student is absent. After those days PRHS will require a doctor/medical note to excuse the absence.
    • Parent notes MUST be in within 5 days of the student’s return to school.
    • If a student misses 8 or more days of school in a semester (excused & unexcused), the student will fail the course due to attendance.


Online Learning Platform: Canvas

The majority of assignments not completed on paper must be submitted on our learning platform, Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas as needed.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. Please note that student activity is logged while in Canvas so instructors will be able to see if the student opened the assignment, if there was any activity including a log of student activities during on-line tests and quizzes.  Students are not allowed to leave the testing window during assessments.  Doing so is considered cheating and will be handled as set forth in the Porter Ridge HS handbook.

NOTICE: Although many assignments are submitted and graded in our learning platform, Canvas, the "final" grades shown may not be properly weighted and do not contain assignments that were not graded in Canvas.  For the student's official grades, please continue to access the parent portal through Powerschool. Login information should be the same as last year. If you need assistance accessing the parent portal, please contact the school.”


Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at


AP Exam is Monday, May 13th! Good luck!



Course Summary:

Date Details Due