Course Syllabus

Adv Film Editing and Production Honors   

Twitter: @mrdennisedits 

Instagram: @dennisprhs  


Course Overview:

This course is designed for students learning about and exploring Adobe’s After Effects.  During this course students will develop technical skills and knowledge in using Adobe’s After Effects and continue to develop skills and knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro learned in Digital Film Editing and Production I or Adobe Video Design.


Grading Scale:

Your final grade will be made up of three six week grading periods worth 25% and a final EXAM worth 25%. 

A: 100-90             B:  89-80                  C: 79-70                                D: 69-60                                F: 59 and below


The Final Exam is a teacher made exam

Each six week period grade will be calculated as follows:


  Projects/Classwork:                                                      100%

  • Your Film Productions: animated logo, scripted dialogue scene, documentary, promotional video, and PSA.  Others productions could be added during the semester.
  • Brain Buffet Projects
  • After Effects Certification Exam


Certification Exam

A goal of this course is for you to pass the industry recognized Adobe Certified Associate Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Using After Effects Exam.  These exam are taken through Certiport, a third party test center.  If you qualify for accommodations, you can request to Certiport to take the certification with accommodations.   Please see me for the request form.  We will take the exam at least twice during class this semester.  All tutorials and projects have been designed to help you pass the exam, you will also be provided with reviews and online practice test.



My expectation is that students will be active participants in their own learning.  Your success is based on what you put into the course. 

  • I expect you to learn the programs and use the programs
  • I expect you to be self-motivated
  • I expect you to be aware of what you need to do each day and for it to be your priority.
  • I expect you to attempt everything to the best of your ability.



Materials and Supplies

  • I have everything you may need to complete this course- computer, programs
    • Do not need a notebook- Work saved to computer/Chromebook.  Can use google drive if you need to transfer somewhere else 

Security and Safety

  • Leaving the Room: 
    • Bathroom-Must Sign out and take a pass when you leave.  Sign in and and return pass when you come back.  Passes are different colors in different areas of building.
    • Anywhere else: Get a pass from me
  • Fire Drill- Grab your things, take a right out of door, exit building from e atrium, cross all streets, find me.
  • Lockdown-turn off monitors, middle section of the room

Cell Phones

  • Need to be put up during direct instruction, this includes ear buds/headphones.
  • During independent/teams work on modules, you can be used.
    • Ear buds/headphones:  Only use one.

Other Things

  • Please do not eat in here
  • If you have trash, please throw it away