Course Syllabus
Honors Advanced Game Art and Design
Advanced Game Art and Design is a continuation in the study of game design and interactivity. Emphasis will be placed on visual design, evaluation, scripting, and 3D visual theory. Students will study the basics of ludology in both business and marketing industries.
The prerequisite for this course is Game Art and Design.
Course Competencies
- Unit 1: Understand career practices related to the game Industry (201)
- 201.1 Recognize careers related to the game industry
- 201.2 Understand legal issues in game design
- 201.3 Summarize global game market dynamics and regulations
- 201.4 Understand Serious Games
- Unit 2: Implement production management in game design (202)
- 202.1 Preproduction: Understand Game User Interfaces
- 202.2 Preproduction: Categorize Choices and Convexity
- 202.3 Production: Analyze game Production
- Unit 3: Execute audio and video techniques (203)
- 203.1 Summarize advanced interactive storytelling and character development
- 203.2 Execute video editing techniques
- 203.3 Understand sound theory in game design
- 203.4 Execute appropriate audio to an existing scene
- Unit 4: Execute advanced visual design (204)
- 204.1 Execute advanced 3D modeling techniques
- 204.2 Execute advanced 3D characters and environments
- 204.3 Understand 3D texturing
- Unit 5: Create scenes using a 3D game engine (205)
- 205.1 Classify existing 3D game engines
- 205.2 Analyze the basic mechanics of a selected 3D game engine(Unreal)
- 205.3 Create sample levels and actions
- 205.4 Create an original 3D game using existing game theory and design
- 305.5 Critique 3D games
- Unit 6: Explain the steps of game marketing (207)
- 206.1 Summarize the basics of game marketing
- 206.2 Understand the different game market venues
- 206.3 Create a game portfolio
This course will have a Performance-based Measurement that will be used at the end of the course to assess competency. It will be composed of a student made game, digital portfolio, and oral presentation. Here is a list of the components and their corresponding standards that will make up the PBM.
Corresponding Objectives/Indicators | Portfolio Components |
1.00 Apply 3D Visual Design Techniques • Execute 3D Modeling techniques • Understand how to export 3D models for use in a 3D game engine |
• Creating the game • Creating models |
2.00 Understand Production Management in a Team Environment • Recognize roles in a game development team • Understand production management software and practices |
• Satisfy all roles to development the Game Design Document (GDD) • Steps need to be completed before others begin and some can be developed simultaneously |
3.00 Apply Pre-Production Techniques to Plan a 3D Game • Understand narrative and player engagement • Exemplifying choices and convexity • Execute a game design document • Plan user interface designs • Create a Multimedia Presentation Illustrating a game design document (GDD) for a Game’s Development |
• Documentation of each step of the game design process from inception • Storyboards, sketches and brainstorming • Decide game genre • Portfolio is a slide show incorporating the GDD |
4.00 Apply Production Techniques to Develop a 3D Game • Produce a 3D game environment in a 3D game engine |
• Finalizing assets • Completing the game • Creating the required asset list • Submission of final game and evaluation |
5.00 Apply Post-production Techniques to Market a 3D Game • Organize a game portfolio |
• Game development processes documented in a portfolio with required components |
Most assignments will be completed in class. Only completed assignments turned in on time can receive full credit. Come to class prepared! This is part of your grade. The grading scale is calculated on a weighted scale as follows:
Grading Scale
Most assignments will be completed in class. Only completed assignments turned in on time can receive full credit. Come to class prepared! This is part of your grade. The grading scale is calculated on a points basis without catgory weights:
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 60 - 69
F = 59 and below
First Six Weeks ……………………….……………………………………………………….. 25%
Second Six Weeks …………………………………………………………………………….. 25%
Third Six Weeks ……………………………………………………………………………….. 25%
Final Exam ..…...……………………………………………………………………………….. 25%
Total for Course ........................................................................................................... 100%
Students Supplies:
- Flash Drive USB 3.0 64GB or more
- Earbuds/Headphones
- Notebook
- Pencils
Regular attendance is required. Your presence in class is crucial since most of the activities in this course occur during class time. Your active participation will enhance your success as well as that of your classmates. Be active in class! Participate in class discussions! Your opinions, input, and questions are what this class is all about! Class attendance is part of your final grade.
Credit will not be granted for classes when absences for a student reach eight days for a semester long course and fifteen days for a yearlong course. Absences include those that are lawful, unlawful, and due to suspension.
Following any absence(s), a student is required to present a written document from the parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence.
Please READ pages 53 – 54 in your UCPS handbook and pages 14 -16 of your CATA student handbook regarding appropriate use of computer equipment/internet and consequences for misuse of both.
Assignments are due on the announced due date. It is your responsibility to keep up with class activities and assignments and request missing assignments due to absence. Upon returning from an excused absence, students will be given two days for each day absence to make up missed assignments/test. When arrangements are not made to complete make-up work or if work is not submitted on time, the student will receive a grade of 0%.
New Schoolwide policy: Work that has recieved a 0 and cannot be made up will have a 0 in the gradebook. If it has not been turned in but still may be completed for a grade, it will have a score of 1.
Students are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. A student is tardy when he/she is not in the classroom or laboratory where his/her class regularly meets when the bell begins to ring. Student must report to office for an admittance slip. A tardy will be recorded. Please see CATA Handbook for tardy policy and consequences.
Please note: Bottled water is allowed. The privilege will be removed if containers are not disposed of properly. Water is not allowed near the computers, and must remain at the desk.
Students are expected…………………………………..
- To act in a manner that is respectful and courteous
- Show respect and courtesy for all class members and the teachers
Disrespect WILL NOT be tolerated!
- Be prepared daily with all required materials
- Be punctual – be seated quietly and ready to begin when the bell rings
- Conduct themselves in a manner which respects all students’ right to learn
- Follow all verbal and written instructions from the teacher
- Use time between class to take care of restroom needs
(If there is a medical reason, a doctor’s note is required)
- Begin working on your pre-class assignment at the beginning – you may use your textbook, notes and homework, however this is an individual task
- Stay seated until the teacher dismisses class
- Contact teacher with any questions concerning a grade
(Progress reports are issued in the middle of each 6 weeks period. You may schedule an appointment for tutoring, if needed)
After reading and discussing the course syllabus and classroom procedures document with your son/daughter, please sign below, detach this page and return to the teacher. Your prompt attention in this matter will ensure that your child is aware of what is required of him/her. Thank you.
STUDENT: I have read the course syllabus and classroom procedures document. I understand what is expected and will honor these procedures.
Student Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________________
(Please Print)
Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________
PARENT(S): My child and I have reviewed and discussed the course syllabus and classroom procedures document. I understand and will support them.
Parent (Mother) Name: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________________
(Please Print)
Email: _____________________________ Contact #: __________________________ Date: ____________________
Parent (Father) Name: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________________ (Please Print)
Email: _____________________________ Contact #: __________________________ Date: ____________________
TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent when administering consequences for those students not complying with classroom procedures.
Teacher Signature: Scott J. Bryan Date: January 18, 2024 Electronically signed
Student will use Unreal Engine to make their video games. It can be downloaded for free from the Unreal Engine website.
They will be using 3ds max to learn how to create 3D models. It can be downloaded for free with a student email address from the Autodesk website.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |