Course Syllabus

 Civics & Economics

Mr. Pitoniak

Course Description:

                This course focuses on the development of economic and political knowledge and skills needed for students to become responsible citizens in an interdependent world. The course will end with Final Exam which will average in as 25% of your final grade.


Text Book:

Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, & You - North Carolina edition – 2008 Glencoe/McGraw -Hill.  ISBN:  978-0-07-879244-1


Grade Breakdown:                                                 Grade Scale:

Homework      20%                                                    90 – 100 = A

Classwork:      20%                                                      80 – 89 = B

Tests/Projects: 30%                                                    70 – 79 = C  

Quiz:               20%                                                        60 – 69 = D

Participation/Citizenship:   + /- 10%                                                                            


Student Requirements:

  1. You MUST bring your own Chrome books to class EVERYDAY.
    You are expected to have a writing utensil and notebook paper for written assignments in class.
    3. You will have notes and/or handouts almost every day.  You will create a electronic portfolio of 5 tabs on your laptop or need to have at minimum a class folder or binder to stay organized.
    4. All assignments will be submitted via my in-box in class on or before due date.


Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  1. Be in your seat before the late bell rings, NOT just inside the door (otherwise counted tardy)
  2. Bring everything you will need for class with you everyday we meet.
  3. Follow ALL directions the first time they are given.
  4. Only one person to speak at a time (this shows respect for yourself and others)
  5. Please feel free to bring bottled water to class.  Please do not bring other drinks or food as it is against PHS policy.
  6. ABSOUTLY NO food, NO unauthorized electronics/Cell Phones, NO hats, exactly the same as UCPS and PHS students conduct policies.* Cell Phones will be confiscated and sent to the main office where a parent must retrieve it…see Electronic Device form.
  7. Follow ALL classroom rules on the Teacher Expectation, Electronic device form, and General Information sheet.

Discipline Policy:

Step 1: Verbal correction and/or teacher student conference

Step 2: Parent contact

Step 3: Parent contact discipline referral to office (this can be 1st depends on your infraction).



I will follow the Union County Public Schools policy for tardiness, absences, and the recovery of missed classes.  There will be NO exceptions.


Late assignments:

You should not have any. If you are absent with a legal excuse note and there will not be any deduction of points if handed in within two days as per UCPS policy…. Otherwise you will receive no more than ½ credit for the assignment if handed in within three days only of absence.  After three days a zero will be added to your record unless there have been extenuating circumstances.




North Carolina Essential Standards:


CE.C&G: Analyze the foundations and development of American government in terms of principals and values


CE.C&G.2: Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function and relationships


CE.C&G.3: Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.


CE.C&G.4: Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citizens


CE.C&G.5: Analyze how political and legal systems within and outside of the United States provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts.


CE.PFL.1: Analyze the concepts and factors that enable individuals to make informed financial decisions for effective resource planning.


CE.PFL.2: Understand how risk management strategies empower and protect consumers.


Goal /Standard Breakdown:

First six weeks:     Goals 1 &2 (reading, vocabulary, quizzes, tests, projects)

Second six weeks: Goals 3, 4, &5 (reading, vocabulary, quizzes, tests, projects)

Third six weeks:   Goals PFL 1&2 (reading, vocabulary, quizzes, tests, projects, & End-of Course Final Exam)

**Successful completion of Civics and Economics is required for graduation in North Carolina.



My door is always open...  If you have and questions or concerns, do not hesitate to stop by our classroom E3 for assistance.  I will do whatever I can to help develop a reasonable and fair solution. I also offer tutoring after school whenever requested in advance.


**Helpful websites for homework:

(Many others may be used with my prior permission)


Civics and Economics Overview Contract


Student Printed Name: __________________   Student Signature: _________________



Parent Printed Name:_____________________ Parent Signature__________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due