Course Syllabus


EdPuzzle Login Info

2nd Block: nohozig

3rd Block: iwujeeb

4th Block: konozsu


Mrs. Nicole Traylor

Room G114





Course Description:

Students will investigate biological systems at the molecular, cellular, and macro biological level. Throughout the semester, there will be numerous labs and inquiry activities to supplement instruction and to gain a better understanding of the content, so it is mandatory that you fill out the lab safety contract.  If this is not done, you will not be able to participate in the labs.  The labs will all be done in a group setting to help foster collaborative and team building skills.  There will also be projects, both individual and group.  Reading assignments will be assigned on a regular basis in this class.


The standards for this class can be found at the following website: (Links to an external site.)


This class also has a North Carolina End of Course Test, in order for you to achieve a 4 you must score at least 85%.


Course Outline:  This is subject to change.



Necessary Student Equipment:

  • Binder (2 inch)
  • Paper
  • Pens and pencils – no iridescent gel pens, use black ink for labs
  • 4 dividers (notes, labs, quiz/test, homework)


My Expectations

Adherence to the following guidelines will insure a safe and enjoyable year for everyone:

  • Be courteous and respectful to your teacher and classmates.
  • Follow the classroom procedures everyday/every time.
  • Come to class on time and prepared to work.
  • Follow ALL safety rules and procedures.
  • Uphold high standards of effort and achievement.
  • Only positive attitudes in my classroom.
  • Turn in your work on time



  • First Violation – Verbal warning.
  • Second Violation – Student teacher discussion
  • Third Violation – Parent/Guardian Contact
  • If the violation is a major offense, you will be written up for disciplinary action immediately.


90-100 = A

80-89 = B

70-79 = C

60-69 = D

59 and below = F


Each semester grade is calculated by the following percentages:

  • Tests/Labs – 40% (one test per unit)
  • Quizzes – 15% (multiple checkpoint quizzes throughout the unit, at least 2)
  • Projects – 25% (One per unit)
  • Homework/Classwork – 20% (At least once a week)


Absence/Make-up Policy


If you miss a class, check canvas (there is a daily agenda that will tell you where you can obtain your work).  If the assignments are in canvas, complete them in canvas.  If it is a Science Bin tur in, obtain the work from the crate at the front of the room.  It has folders with the months’ work.  You have 2 days for each absence to complete all make-up work to receive full credit.

Late Work


1 day late = 75

2 days late = 50

3 days late = 0




Days: Wednesday

Time: 7:30 – 8AM








Wish List

Cleaning solution

Glue sticks

Construction paper

Food Coloring








Helpful Hints!:

  • When you email me, please put your first and last name in the subject with the class period/block.


  • Allow a full 24 hours to respond to emails/phone calls from you or your parent/guardian. If you email me on a Friday, you will not receive a response until Monday.


  • You will be completing assignments on three platforms (Canvas, Science Bin Turn In and EdPuzzle), because of that, you should always check PowerSchool to get accurate grades, NOT canvas.


  • Each 6 weeks will have anywhere from 12-20 grades that go into PowerSchool to make up your term grades. I do not tell you which assignments go into PowerSchool, it is your responsibility to complete ALL assignments, regardless of whether they will end up in the gradebook or not.  All material will be tested; therefore, there is no busy work.


  • 12-20 is not a lot, so please make sure that you are completing your work on time


  • Please be aware that teachers are given a week to grade assignments, provide feedback and enter those grades into PowerSchool. Emails sent that ask “when will an assignment will be graded” before a week has passed will be deleted.


  • If you have a question about a grade please email me, do not come to me in class. The issue will be resolved much faster at the beginning or end of each day if I have emails as checklists.  If it is a complex issue, we will set up a meeting to address it and find a resolution.


  • If you have a family emergency or you are struggling with something, please feel free to come speak to me. You do not need to tell me everything, but it is good to know, that way I can try to help as much as possible.


  • Remember, communication, honesty and respect is KEY to having a successful semester. Always be open, honest (no matter what) and communicate.  That will always earn my respect.


  • If I am absent, always check canvas for your daily work.




  • Communicate clearly and respectfully.
  • Show up on time.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Update PowerSchool by the end of day Friday with at least two weekly grades.
  • Provide constructive feedback on labs to assist with comprehension (even the ones that are not graded).
  • Provide tiered, interactive lessons.
  • Contact parents if a student’s grade drops to a 75 or below.
  • Contact parents with positive reports.
  • Hold tutoring every Wednesday morning (7:30-8).
  • Respond to emails within 24 hours (one business day).
  • Create a safe, fun and enriching environment for students.


  • Communicate clearly and respectfully.
  • Show up on time.
  • Come to class prepared.
  • Complete work on time (if it is due at 11:59, a submission of 12 is still counted as late)
  • Be responsible and follow directions during labs.
  • No cheating of any kind.
  • If you have a 504 or IEP that allows for extended time, you will need to notify me BEFORE you turn in your assignment late. This should be done via email.
  • If you have a question about grades or there is a mistake on an assignment, email me or place the paper back in the bin with a note. Do NOT approach me about your grades before, during or after class.  That time is for the lesson that requires my full attention.  We will schedule a meeting if there is a problem with your grade that requires more attention.
  • No hate speech or actions ever. This is an all-inclusive and all-welcoming classroom.  Your beliefs and views may be different, but respect will still be expected, no matter what your differences are.


  • Communicate clearly and respectfully.
  • Keep up with your student’s progress each week in PowerSchool.
  • If there are any concerns about your student’s well-being or you have questions about something, please email me directly so we can maintain positive communication.
  • Allow for a full business day for a response from me via email or phone.
  • Understand that I am only available for meetings during my planning period (7:30-9:30). I am not available after school.  My work hours are 7:00am-3:30pm.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due