Course Syllabus

Creative Writing Syllabus 2022-2023


Course Overview: 

Creative Writing is an elective course that seeks to build basic writing and style skills for young authors. This course is arranged so that students can practice applying different techniques to their preferred genre of writing.

Class Expectations: 

  • Be on time - I close my door at the bell. If you are not in the room, you are late and must get a pass. This includes bathroom trips and lunch. 
  • Be prepared - Have your necessary materials with you, including your computer. 
  • Be respectful - Treat your classmates and me the way you would like to be treated. 
  • Be clean - Pick up after yourself and cooperate to keep the room free from trash and clutter
  • Be attentive - Limit distractions, especially phones. I will take your phone after a warning if it proves too distracting.
  • Be honorable - Please note our school handbook as it pertains to cheating and plagiarism. If you are academically dishonest, this will result in a referral and a zero for the assignment. 
  • Be adaptable - Own your mistakes and view critical feedback as an opportunity to grow. 

Materials Needed:

A notebook for notes & a folder for handouts

Pens / pencils

Colored pens or highlighters for annotating

UCPS issued Chromebook

Workshops and Timeliness:

Each week begins with a writing assignment that is due the following Monday. You will share your weekly piece with a small group of students. On Wednesday, your groups will convene to workshop your pieces. In order for you to get good feedback, it is imperative that you turn the weekly piece in on time on Monday to give your peers time to read and make notes for the Wednesday workshop. It is also important that you closely read your peers’ pieces so you can give good feedback in workshop. 

Final Portfolio: 

Your semester will culminate with a portfolio that demonstrates your growth as a writer. Information on this project will be given out the first week of the semester. 


I use a total points system of grading. 

Weekly writes: 50 points - will include your free writing exercises. 

Workshops: 50 points - will include reflections

Published works each 6 weeks: 100 points

Final portfolio: 200 points

Smaller assignments: between 10 and 40 points

Class Topics Structure

1st 6 weeks: 

Wk 1 - The Creative Process: Building Work Habits

Wk 2 - Finding Inspiration: Mentor texts

Wk 3 - Criticism: How to give and receive feedback

Wk 4 - Draw Them In: Using Imagery

Wk 5 - Chronology: Structuring a Story

Wk 6 - Publishing Week

2nd 6 weeks:

Wk 1 - Wandering: Stream of Consciousness

Wk 2 - Dialogue: When to let the Characters Speak

Wk 3 - Sentence Structure: Playing with Time

Wk 4 - Introductions: Characterization

Wk 5 - Nine-Tenths Reality: POV and Narrative Voice

Wk 6 - Publishing Week

3rd 6 Weeks:

Wk 1 - I Repeat: Ways to use Repetition Effectively

Wk 2 - Layers: Plot and Subplot

Wk 3 - Form: A Theme Study

Wk 4 - Portfolio Work Time

Wk 5 - Portfolio Presentations

Wk 6 - Final Exams