Course Syllabus

Welcome to Mr. Yelverton's Math I class.

Course Description: This course extends the mathematical knowledge you gained in pre-algebra. We will comprehend all concepts listed below. There is an state EOC exam in this class.

Course Expectations:  All assignments will be submitted in class .  It is expected that you attempt the assignments each day and come prepared to ask questions  during class. Most assignments will be graded on attempt; however, occasionally it may be graded for accuracy.  The course is broken up into units, with an assessment after each unit. Attendance is important, if you are absent please make sure to compete the missing assignment when you return to school. It is your responsibility to get any and all make-up work turned in on time.  Tutoring is offered on before school through appointments.  All materials and resources can be located on the canvas home page.  

Grading Scale:  50% assignments,  50% assessments

Class Supplies:  Pencil, Paper, Chrome Book, dry erase markers

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me Monday through Friday at 704-292-7662 , or you may email me anytime at 

Math I Goals  (Links to an external site.) :





Course Summary:

Date Details Due