Course Syllabus

Teacher:  Lisa O'Connor


Course Description:

AP Statistics is the study of data analysis, sampling and experimentation techniques, anticipating patterns, and inference.  We will learn how to communicate our methods, results, and conclusions in the language of statistics as we combine the three parts of the statistical process: design, analysis and conclusion. For a more indepth look at the course, please see the College Board's course description here.


Unit 1- 6 days

Exploring One-Variable Data

Unit 2- 3 days

Exploring Two-Variable Data

Unit 3

Collecting Data

Unit 4

Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions

Unit 5

Sampling Distributions

Unit 6

Inference for Categorical Data—Proportions

Unit 7

Inference for Quantitative Data—Means

Unit 8

Inference for Categorical Data—Chi-Square

Unit 9

Inference for Quantitative Data—Slopes
  • Supplies: each day you will need EXPOS, chromebook, pencil, paper, graph paper and a TI graphing calculator (TI84 model prefered). These can be checked out from the media center using this link Fill out form. There will be many handouts.  You will need a 3 ring binder to oraganize your work. You will be required to keep a notebook organized by units for class notes. All papers, assignments, notes, activities, etc should be kept in chronological order
  • Assignments: Assignments will be given and submitted each day class is scheduled. This allows you to receive feedback on your work before a Quiz or Unit Test. Assignments are worth 30% of your overall grade.
  • Assessments: Assessments include and quizzes, Unit Tests and Term Projects. You will have major assessments each term (Test and/or Project). These are worth 70% of your overall grade.
  • Late work vs. Make up work:
    • Homework that is submitted late will be penalized by 50%. After the unit test, no homework from that unit may be submitted late.
    • Make up work is work you submit late due to an absence - you will not be penalized for this. The assignments (and notes & resources) will be posted on Canvas. It is your responsibility to make up the missed work. If you miss a quiz or test, please get with me to schedule a time to complete them outside of class.
    • All missing work will receive a zero in PowerSchool along with a note that the student was absent until the work is completed. 
  • Expectations: 

      To achieve success in mathematics, it is important for you to attend class regularly. Many students have great difficulty trying to learn math work on their own after an absence. Each day’s classwork builds on prior learning. If a student misses just one day, they have difficulty following new assignments. When you are absent, check Canvas for your assignments. Failure to make up work by the  deadlines will result in a grade deduction for that assignment. An absence of one class period will not excuse a student from turning in previously assigned work on the day they return to class.

      8 Mathematical Practices:

      1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
      2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
      3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
      4. Model with mathematics.
      5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
      6. Attend to precision.
      7. Look for and make use of structure.
      8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.


      NO CELL PHONE USE IN CLASS.   Cell phones will be collected for the duration on class.

    • Please arrive in class on time with all class material
    • All work should be submitted by the due date. Late work will be penalized and not accepted after the cut off point.
    • Cell phones should be out of sight during classtime (unless instructed by teacher)
    • Earbuds & other listening devices should be off and put away during classtime. 
  • Grading Scale:
    • 70% assessments  
    • 30%  assignments  (daily)
  • AP STATISTICS EXAM:  all students will take the AP Statistics Exam on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 12:00pm.
  • AP classroom code  ZN26JQ

Course Summary:

Date Details Due