Course Syllabus


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Welcome to Science Apex with Mrs. Broadbent!  This will be my 13th year teaching and my 5th year as a pirate.  This semester I am teaching Honors Physics, Honors Advanced Chemistry Topics, and Science Apex.  Go Pirates!!!

My goals for this course are:

  • Students will continue their investigations of the universe and have a better understanding of how the world around us works.
  • Students will develop leadership skills and will become self-directed learners.



Course Name:  Science Online/Leadership Skills I

Teacher Name:  Mrs. Michele Broadbent

Course Description:  

Students in Science Online will work on completing work on Apex Learning System for credit recovery or for New Credit.  Students can be enrolled in Earth and Environmental Science, Biology, or Physical Science. Students at the completion of the course will earn credit for their Science Class that is required for graduation. Students in this course will also be co-enrolled in Leadership Skills I. This class will teach and model to students effective habits in school, the workplace, the community, at home, and in a future career or for higher education. These leadership skills will encourage students to reflect on current leadership skills and habits and how they can improve these skills to be successful in their desired path. Upon completion of this course, students will earn an elective credit for Leadership I. 

Office Hours:

Office hours will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:10pm - 4:00pm.  Other days and times are available by appointment only.

Supplies Needed:

Students are expected to come prepared to class daily; the following items are needed for this class, this semester:

  1. 1-1 Laptop
  2. Charger
  3. Notebook or Binder
  4. Pen/Pencil

If one of the following items cannot be provided, please contact me as soon as possible, so that I may make proper arrangements.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Respect the teacher, the classroom, and other students.
  2. Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY!
  3. Be responsible for your own learning
  4. Clean up after yourselves and your peers
  5. Keep all of your personal electronics PUT AWAY
  6. Please do not touch lab materials for other classes


Grading is based on a percentage system.  The final grade every six weeks will be comprised of the following:

Science Online will be based on the score acquired in Apex. If you are in a credit recovery (CR course) this will be pass/fail.

Leadership Skills I – Based on total points.   

The final grade for the semester will be comprised of the following four items:

  1. First six weeks final average-25%
  2. Second six weeks final average-25%
  3. Third six weeks final average-25%
  4. Teacher Made Final Exam (Exemption info TBA)-25%


For beginning of the class:

  • Arrive to class on time, sit in assigned seat
  • Have materials ready at the start of class.

During Class:

  • Raise your hand before speaking.
  • If you need to leave the class for any reason, you MUST raise your hand and ask permission. Please avoid raising your hand during instructional time, unless it is an emergency. Sign out and take a pass, with you, no exceptions. This includes going to (bathroom, water fountain, health office, front office, guidance office, media center.) Students must also sign out when leaving and sign in when returning.

At the end of class:                                                                                                    

  • Clean up you area.
  • Straighten desks/tables
  • Do not line up at the door.


Bring laptops to class daily, unless otherwise directed.  When laptops are brought to class, they should be charged and ready to use.  When every student needs to plug in their laptops, it causes a tripping hazard.  During times when the whole class is using laptops, students should remain on task and only on appropriate websites.  If the teacher asks students to lower their screens or shut computers, students should save their work and do so immediately.  If a student does not have their laptop in class, for whatever reason, they are still responsible for the work. This is an online course so a laptop is necessary for this course.

Contact Information:

Email: (BEST way to reach me!),

Canvas message

Phone: 704-292-7662 (school)



Course Summary:

Date Details Due