Course Syllabus

 Español 1V con Señora Schiller

Weddington High School Rm E209

Tutoring: after school until 3:45 pm

Rm. E209


Congratulations on making it to Spanish IV! I commend you for your dedication to the Spanish language. You can expect to have lots of work in and out of class, but you can also expect to have lots of enriching cultural experiences and growth as you strive for fluency in Spanish.

Course Framework

By the end of the semester, we will familiarize ourselves with and achieve mastery in areas of:

Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3:

Topic: Families & Relationships Identity  & Technology The Environment

Skills: Reflexive verbs, Past Perfect Tense Future Tense

Preterite & Imperfect Past The Subjunctive Conditional Tense

Present Perfect Tense Accent Marks Accents cont.

Products: Narrative Essay Debate, Persuasive Essay Read a novel, video


Personal Respect Policy

“We all came in on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now!” (Dr. Martin Luther King)

Learning another language requires taking risks & really stepping out of your comfort zone. Showing respect to one another is VITAL to your success. 


Grading Policy

Grades are split into three categories: Class and homework (20%), quizzes (30%) and projects/ tests (50%). This is in accordance with the WHS World Language Department guidelines.


Daily Routine

    1. As you walk in the room, turn in your homework to the TAREA folder on the whiteboard. & your cell phone to its specified cell phone pocket.
    2. Sit down in your assigned seat. *If you aren’t in your seat when the bell rings, you are late!
    3. On the board by the TAREA folder, you’ll see the day’s AGENDA. You can get a general idea of what we’ll be doing that day and find out what the night’s tarea will be. Then, look at the whiteboard at the front of the room. It will have a DIARIO activity. 

  • ¡Buenos días clase! I will start class with the traditional greeting,, “¡Buenos días/buenas tardes clase!” to which you will respond, “Buenos días/buenas tardes maestra!” Then, you will sit quietly and patiently--class has begun & it’s my turn to talk.

Class Materials Policy

Students will routinely use the following items in our class:


*pencil or pen & highlighter



Attendance Policy/Makeup Work

  1. You need to be on time to class. I define “on time” as in your assigned seat when the bell rings. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to do your makeup work. 
  2. At the end of each class period, I will put copies of the day’s work in the wall folders labelled by day (ie, LUNES, MARTES, etc.). At the end of the week, those papers will be moved to a bin with hanging folders labelled by week (ie, 2/22-2/27). If you ever have any questions, always feel free to ask me during breaks, lunch, after school or via email. 
  3. In accordance with UCPS policy, late work turned in 1 day late will be worth 80% credit, 70% credit for 2 days late, and only 50% credit after. (*If you were absent, the assignment due date will be altered accordingly & there will be no late penalty.)


Behavior Policy

  1. Students must remain seated during teacher lecture time. There is no reason to be out of your seat while your teacher is teaching. 
  2. Excessive talking or speaking out of turn will not be tolerated. Show respect for yourself, your teacher, & your peers by signaling & being called on before you speak.
  3. Cell phones. DON’T USE THEM DURING CLASS! (unless I tell you to…) 
  4. Participating in any activity not related to class (ie, makeup, passing around food or personal items) will not be tolerated & may result in the loss of personal items.
  5. Be prepared for class every day. Bring your notebook, handouts, pen/pencil, & laptop


Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty. Please refer to your Student Handbook for consequences. There are many different concepts of plagiarism, and in Spanish class, what may be considered plagiarism to the teacher may be an honest mistake on the student’s part. To avoid confusion, know that using a translation program for anything longer than a word or phrase is plagiarism, as is having a friend or family member supply the answers to your work.


Lastly, I am looking forward to a wonderful semester with you all! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything during this semester of our learning journey.

Saludos Cordiales,


Kelli Schiller, M.Ed.

4901 Weddington Rd #6281, 

Matthews, NC 28104

Course Summary:

Date Details Due