Course Syllabus



Weddington High School---Health and Physical Education Course Syllabus

Teacher(s):  Coach Claire Lyerly, Coach Travis Poole, Coach Andy Capone, Coach Tyler Scott

Blocks: 1- 8:15-9:43, 2- 9:49-11:16, 3- 11:22-12:52 (4th lunch- 12:52-1:22) 4- 1:28-3:05

Room#/Office Locations: Gym/B Hall

Tutoring Days/Hours: Tutoring is offered before school only by prior request of the student


Course Description:  This course is a combination of both Health and Physical Education with a strong emphasis on Fitness.  Each part will be graded equally to determine the final mark. This class is a graduation requirement, failure is not an option 

Course Goals: Students will come out with a better understanding of fitness as well as health issues that are dealt with every day.

Required Materials: Comfortable clothing such as sneakers, sweat pants, shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts (workout clothing only).  NO: flip flops, loafers, boots, jeans, tank tops, cut-off shirts, or clothing that may be distracting.


  1. Students are expected to dress out and participate every day.
  2. The only excuse is an injury that is too severe to participate which should be determined by a physician, and a DOCTORS NOTE IS REQUIRED. (STUDENT IS STILL REQUIRED TO DRESS OUT AND THE TEACHER WILL GIVE AN ALTERNATE OR MODIFIED PLAN *based on Dr. recommendation)


  1. If a student chooses not to dress out or participate, the student should inform the teacher as attendance is taken. This will result in a 10pt. deduction from the student’s overall participation grade and cannot be made up.  NO STUDENT IS ALLOWED IN THE LOCKER ROOM IF THEY ARE NOT DRESSED OUT OR PARTICIPATING THAT DAY




  1. ABSENT FROM CLASS: If you miss a class due to an absence, you will be required to make up the workout you missed to earn the points for that day in a weekly canvas assignment.  This should be done within 5 days from the day you miss class.  This includes; doctor appointments, etc. (this does not include absence for illness or field trips).  Each week a new canvas “assignment” will be created so that if you are absent, you can submit your make-up work there for the days that week that you were out.



  1. Canvas Health Assignments: All health assignments given Wednesday of any given week are due by 11:59pm Sunday of the same week.  Students will have class time to complete the assignment as well as at home time if necessary.  Once the assignment time has ended it will not be re-opened, no late assignments will be accepted.

 Locker Room: 

  1. Locker rooms will remain locked during class time.  No one will be permitted in during class time for any reason.  If you are leaving early from class, be sure to show your teacher your dismissal note during attendance.
  2. Varsity locker rooms are off limits during the school day, if you are a varsity athlete, you will be required to dress in the regular locker room.


Participation: 50% -this includes dressing out, activities, and canvas assignments

Class/Homework:  50%- this includes tests: written or physical, benchmarks, and canvas assignments

Course Summary:

Date Details Due