Course Syllabus

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

     Welcome to my seventh grade social studies class.    I am looking forward to a great school year with you! This syllabus will  provide you with the information you will need to be successful this school year. My contact email is Please allow up to 48 hours for a response to your email. Also, please check the canvas calendar as well for homework and instructions for assignments before emailing me. 

  Materials needed for class are your assigned laptop, a folder, loose-leaf paper, pencils, a red pen, a glue stick, a highlighter and composition notebooks.

Homework is any unfinished classwork that students had time to finish in class or activity time. Students are responsible for recording homework in their daily planner and turning it in on time. Homework can be graded on completion and/or accuracy, depending on the assignment type.

Late work you have 1 week (7 days) from the day of assignment to turn in any late work. I will not take late assignments after 7 days. Assignments will lose 10% of the total score every day that it is late.

Makeup work from absences is the responsibility of the student. Check canvas and the homework calendar for missed assignments. Students will make up tests during team time or as directed by me.

Grades are calculated using a point system. Check Power School, not canvas, for updated grades.

Class rules have been reviewed with students. They are expected to be followed. Consequences are listed:

  1.     Verbal warning/student conference with the teacher
  2.       Parent contact
  3.     Parent contact/lunch detention
  4.     Parent conference

 Phones are expected to be turned off and in your bags. If I see you on your phone consequences are listed:

  1. Verbal Warning/ student conference with the teacher
  2. Phone is taken and given to the front office for students to pick up at the end of school.
  3. Phone is taken and the front office will call a parent or guardian to come and pick up the phone. 

Class procedures are an essential element for a productive learning environment and listed are just a few:

  1. Students will enter the classroom quietly with needed materials and begin classwork by completing a warm-up. 
  2. Students will sit in their assigned seats.
  3. Students will raise hands to be called on.
  4. When I am instructing the class, students should be in their seats and listening.
  5. A sign in and sign out sheet will be signed by students and a pass will be taken to use the restroom during class.

World History: Modern Era-  This semester in class we will cover topics including history, geography, culture, economics, and civics. Our Units include: Land and Sea Based Empires, Political Revolutions, Industrial Revolutions, Global Conflicts, and Modern Issues. I expect students to participate and engage in class as well as be prepared for writing assignments. We will be using interactive notebooks, guided notes, and a variety of formative assessments (i.e., multimedia projects and essays.)

You can access the school's student hand book here. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due