Course Syllabus


Click on the Link to view the entire Art III Syllabus:

ART I syllabus 2021-22.docx 

Contact Information:

Please be mindful that I do not have a planning period and I will not be able to reply during the school day. Please allow me 24-48 hours to reply to your message. Thank you in advance!

Class Information:

Room G102

1st Semester - First Block:      8:15-9:43

                          Second Block: 9:49-11:16

                          Fourth Block:   1:28-2:58 (dismissal 3:05 / senior dismissal 3:03)

Course Objectives / Standards:

Beginning High School Visual Arts standards are designed for students with no or limited K-8
progression in Visual Arts education.
Visual Literacy
Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives
B.V.1.1 Use art vocabulary when discussing art and artistic styles.
B.V.1.2 Apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to
create art.
B.V.1.3 Classify art according to specified styles.
B.V.1 Use the language of visual arts
to communicate effectively.
B.V.1.4 Recognize how Elements of Art and Principles of Design
are used in art.
B.V.2.1 Understand the role of planning in solving artistic problems.
B.V.2.2 Understand the relationships between sensory awareness
and artistic expression.
B.V.2 Apply creative and critical
thinking skills to artistic
B.V.2.3 Create personal, symbolic expression as a means of
communication (original, visual language).
B.V.3.1 Understand the appropriate and safe use of tools, media, and
B.V.3.2 Use a variety of media, including 2-D, 3-D, and digital, to
produce art.
B.V.3 Create art using a variety of
tools, media, and processes,
safely and appropriately.
B.V.3.3 Exemplify characteristics of different artistic processes.
North Carolina Essential Standards
High School Visual Arts
Contextual Relevancy
Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives
B.CX.1.1 Use visual arts to explore concepts in world history and
relate them to significant events, ideas, and movements
from a global context.
B.CX.1.2 Explain how art influences historical perspectives on
B.CX.1.3 Understand how art is used to document human experience.
B.CX.1.4 Interpret art in terms of cultural and ethnic context.
B.CX.1 Understand the global,
historical, societal, and cultural
contexts of the visual arts.
B.CX.1.5 Explain the effect of the geographic location and physical
environment on the media and subject matter of art.
B.CX.2.1 Analyze the contribution of art to the design of consumable
goods, products, and services, both historical and
B.CX.2.2 Recognize the interdisciplinary knowledge used in the
creation of art.
B.CX.2.3 Analyze the collaborative process in the creation of art.
B.CX.2 Understand the
interdisciplinary connections
and life applications of the
visual arts.
B.CX.2.4 Analyze the role of art in creating digital images,
technological products, and design.
Critical Response
Essential Standard Clarifying Objectives
B.CR.1 Use critical analysis to generate B.CR.1.1 Understand the art criticism process.
responses to a variety of
prompts. B.CR.1.2 Use teacher-generated criteria to evaluate personal art

Grading Scheme 

Grades will be....

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 59 and below

Attendance and Make-Up Policy  

Our school nurse, Mrs. Mastin, can be reached at and our Attendance Officer, Mrs. Glenna Bowen, can be reached at If you have additional questions pertaining to absences or would like additional clarification, Mrs. Bowen will be happy to assist you.

Classwork needs to be completed on-time in order to avoid having late point deductions. Late policy: if a student has an "Excused" the work can be completed 1-3 days after deadline (or make sure to discuss special arrangement for new deadline). If "Unexcused" the student will receive point deductions per day submitted late after the deadline. *I have a "late work extension" form, to be completed by students in need for more time. The form NEEDS to be complete and submitted PRIOR to the classwork deadline.