Course Syllabus

Tech Theatre Syllabus

 Course Overview

Teacher Information

    Brandi Ford


Columbus State University

BA in English and Secondary Education

Contact Information:


Office Hours: Before school - 7:30-8 AM/ Cav Time

Minick and me (3).png 

A bit about me: 

This is my 7th year at Cuthbertson High School. I love all aspects of theatre. From set and costume design to performing, I have done a bit of it all! I enjoy teaching, so the marriage of theatre and teaching is my dream job. I firmly believe that everyone should take a theatre class at least once. Theatre classes teach such important life skills. 

I also enjoy reading novels and hiking in my free time. The mountains are my favorite place to get away. 

In my personal life, I have four sons, ages 15, 17, 19, and 21. We moved to the Charlotte area 7 years ago for my husband’s job; we are originally from Alabama. We also have 1 cat (pictures available upon request). All of my boys have also performed, and the oldest is a tech theatre major at Appalachian State. The second son is an engineering major at NC State. My 11th grader is in chorus, theatre, and marching band at Weddington. My youngest is a freshman here at CHS.


Course Overview and Requirements

Course Description: We will be exploring theatre and gaining an appreciation for actors, technicians, technological advances in theatre, literature, film and the production concept. The main OBJECTIVE is to learn how to communicate effectively, work as a team, plan for the technical aspects of a show, and analyze the story in each of us by learning theatrical techniques. Many of our activities will be group activities that require planning/projects with a group. Much of class is interactive, meaning students will be out of their seats and moving around. Some days, we will be painting set pieces or using tools. Students will be using tools, such as hammers, drills, staple guns, jig saws, and other basics. As an arts program, there will be some required after school activities for rehearsals and performances. 


Theatre and Tool Safety

Color Theory

Analyzing a play for technical elements

Set Design and Creation

Costume Design and Creation

Sound Design

Prop Making

Supplies Needed

  • School issued chromebook
  • Pencils and paper
  • Colored pencils and/or markers
  • Safety Glasses (a clear plastic pair from Walmart or Home Depot/Lowes is fine)
  • Optional - Their own pair of work gloves.
  • Optional - graph paper 

Due Dates and Late Work Policy: 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to find out what they have missed and make up the work in a timely manner. The BEST way to find out about work is through Canvas. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when absent.
  • The class website on Canvas will be updated regularly with assignments. All assignments will be posted along with rubrics and due dates the day they are assigned.
  • Most assignments will be due at 11:59 the day it is assigned. 
  • Assignments turned in on time will receive 100% of credit earned.
  • Assignments turned in late, but before the end of the current unit will receive 75% of earned credit. Example: A student turns in an assignment that would have received 80 points if on time, will earn 80x75% = 60 points. 
  • Assignments turned in late after the end of the unit, but before the end of the grading period will receive 50% of earned credit. Example: A student turns in an assignment that would have received 80 points if on time, will earn 80x50% = 40 points.

Grading: I will use a points based system. There will be daily minor assignments worth 5 - 49 points and major assignments with 50 - 100 points. All points are added together to determine your grade. This is also a teacher made exam. Students with an A can potentially be exempt from the exam. 

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 0-59

Items of Special Note:

  • Classroom expectations and procedures: It’s all about RESPECT! This basically covers everything. Everyone that enters my classroom (including ME) should behave with respect to each other and their surroundings. 
    • This means that we always clean up after ourselves.
    • We never touch others’ things without permission.
    •  We speak respectfully to each other. 
  • Cell Phone Policy: No cell phones should be out during class, EXCEPT for very specific activities. 
    • Acceptable uses - using music for a piece, research for a project that cannot be found on the computer, or taking a picture of set pieces
    • Things your cell phone should NOT be used for - updating or checking social media, shopping, playing games, or recording other peers’ performances
  • Auditorium Use: The auditorium is a learning space for all theatre courses and is used by many other classes and outside groups.  It is not anyone's daily classroom. It will be treated as if it is a borrowed space. Trash will be taken out daily and cleaned weekly. Performing with gum is automatic points deducted from your grade.
  • Food and Beverages: WATER, WATER, WATER - Water is permitted and highly encouraged. Other beverages with lids are permitted in the classroom; however, if you spill it, you will be expected to clean it up. No food will be allowed. ONLY water is permitted in the auditorium. 

School Schedule 

8:10 - 9:30 First Block

9:35 - 10:55     Second Block

11:00 - 11:40   Cav Period

11:45 - 1:40    Third Block

1:45 - 3:05       Fourth Block


Parents:  Click Here for directions on how to become an Observer in the Canvas Course for this class.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due