Course Syllabus

Fall 2021 Course Syllabus

Contact Mr. Smith at:

Parents:  Click Here for directions on how to become an Observer in the Canvas Course for this class.

Points-based grading system. Approximately 300 points per grading term: 120 classwork, 120 tests, 60 project

Classroom Expectations: No personal electronics at any time. Work hard all day, every day in my class. Use after school time for leisure.

Late Work: 2 late classwork assignments allowed per 6 weeks up to 70% credit. 

Test Retakes: Before or after school by appointment. Review notes done by test day = up to 80% credit. Review notes done after test day = up to 60% credit. Redo questions you missed with no multiple choice.

Tutoring:  Available most days after school. Please make an appointment.

Absence Work: Use Canvas for info you missed. Even if absent, you must complete assignments. Absence work gets full credit. Two days for each day you miss, including tests.

Course Textbook:  Civics Today (available here online)

REQUIRED Materials:

Notecards 3x5

Charged Chromebook

Three ring binder

Pens & Pencils

Colored pencils

Wish List

Tissues, Tissues, Tissues!!!

Course Description/ Outline:

Unit 1 – Founding Documents: Declaration, Constitution & Bill of Rights 10 days

Unit 2 – Legislative Branch & Political Parties 12 days

Unit 3 – Executive Branch & Elections 12 days

Unit 4 – Judicial Branch & Individual Rights 13 days

Unit 5 – Personal Finance: Consumer Protection & Budgeting 12 days 

Unit 6 – Economics: Markets, Trade & the Economy 19 days

Test Review: 2 days

Teacher-Made Final Exam: January 11-12


Course Summary:

Date Details Due