Course Syllabus
Technical Theatre I
Instructor: Todd Ford
Course Objective
Technical Theatre will teach students the basic of technical theatre including but not limited to set design, lighting design, sound design, makeup design, costume design and set construction
Theatre Arts Goals and Objective:
North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Theatre Arts
Tentative Course Overview
Tool Identification and Safety
Set Design
- How to draw in scale
- Drafting a floorplan
- Drafting an elevation
- Constructing a white model
- In Virtual Theatre
- 3-D modeling
Set Construction
- Building a flat
- Building a platform
- Show builds
Costume Design
- Renderings
- modern
- period
- Time Period Research
Lighting/Sound Design
- Lighting Mixing
- Lighting Placement
- Light Shows (if space and time allows)
- Creating a light plot for a production
- Publicity for Class performance
Makeup Design
- Rendering
- modern
- period
- Time Period Research
- Airbrush Makeup
- How to use an airbrush kit
- Airbrush Practical
- corrective
- old age
- fantasy
- Directing two person scenes
Mandatory Events:
Tech Theatre students will be required to either run booth for two events or participate in one production as part of the crew. This will require time after school and will be worth 3 test grades. If a student cannot meet this obligation they must see Mr. Ford and make arrangements for an alternate assignment. Students may sign up for events via the google spreadsheet on the home page.
Assessments and Assignments:
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways including but not limited to in class performances, public performances, written tests, projects and written essays.
Make Up Work Procedures:
Students will have two days to make up any work they have missed due to absence. Students may turn in late work with a deduction of one letter grade per day up to three days after the assignments due date.
Classroom Expectations:
- Be on time
- Bring Necessary Materials to Class
- Take responsibility for yourself
- Be Courteous
- Follow stated procedures for entry and exit of the classroom
- Follow all safety guidelines including but not limited to social distancing and masks.
Online Learning Platform:
Canvas: The majority of assignments not completed on paper will be submitted on our learning platform, Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. Students will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas as needed. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected. If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. Please note that student activity is logged while in Canvas so instructors will be able to see if the student opened the assignment, if there was any activity including a log of student activities during on-line tests and quizzes. Students are not allowed to leave the testing window during assessments. Doing so is considered cheating and will be handled as set forth in the Porter Ridge HS handbook.
NOTICE: Although many assignments are submitted and graded in our learning platform, Canvas, the "final" grades shown may not be properly weighted and do not contain assignments that were not graded in Canvas. For the student's official grades, please continue to access the parent portal through Powerschool. Login information is usually sent home with the students at the beginning of the year, and should be the same as last year. If you need assistance accessing the parent portal, please contact the school.
Necessary Materials
Loose leaf notebook paper
Pens or pencils
Work Gloves
Safety Glasses
Ruler or Scale Rule
Colored Pencils
Grading Scale
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F
Grade breakdown:
Homework 30%
Tests and Projects 50%
Journals 20%
*Events or productions will count as three test grades
Tutoring Hours:
3:00-3:45 Monday and Wednesday
North Carolina Theatre Conference Website
Contact Information:
Phone: 704-292-7662
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |