Course Syllabus

Welcome Video:

See the Canvas 'Announcements' tab for important information daily.

Important Note: See Powerschool for accurate grades and averages for this class.  Canvas gradebook should not be viewed as the system of record for this course. Remember that all work is due by the assigned date/time noted on Canvas and must be submitted by the assignment lock date for credit. Only extreme circumstances (e.g., doctor's note, proof of technology issues --submitted emails to technology support that detail your issue) will be considered as exceptions to this.  Thank you.

Fashion Merchandising (MI21) and Fashion Merchandising Honors (MI21 HN) Syllabus

Instructor: Kenisia Taylor, Location: Room D100; Clubs: Future Business Leaders of America (Advisor), PRHS Book Club (Co-Advisor)

Email: Phone: (704) 292-7662; 

This Course has a NC Final Exam!

Fashion Merchandising Course Overview

This course is designed to simulate a comprehensive experience of the business of fashion. The experience should bring alive the economics, distribution, promotion, and retail of fashion.  The topics of study include the fundamentals of fashion, fashion merchandising, forecasting of fashion, and essential strategies of promoting and selling fashion. Upon completion of the course, students should be ready for the retail of fashion at the entry level of work or post-secondary education. English, mathematics, social studies, and technology are reinforced.

Objective  Unit Titles/Essential Standards and Objective Statements
1.0 Understand the fundamentals of the fashion industry
1.01  Understand the progression of fashion

Understand the basics of textile fabrics and finishes

1.03 Understand the categories of fashion merchandise
2.0 Understand the fashion merchandising process
2.01 Understand the role of distribution in the fashion industry
2.02 Understand the preparation of fashion merchandise buying plans
2.03 Understand fashion merchandise buying
2.04 Understand the global nature of fashion
3.00 Understand fashion trends and forecasting
3.01 Understand the use of data in fashion forecasting
3.02 Understand the use of technologies in fashion merchandising and marketing
4.00 Understand the marketing of fashion
4.01  Understand the fashion retail elements of marketing
4.02  Understand pricing strategies in the fashion industry

Understand the selling of fashion

5.01 Understand the impact of customer service in the fashion industry
5.02  Understand retail selling processes in the fashion industry
6.00 Understand the promotion of a fashion image
6.01 Understand the promotional messaging of fashion
6.02  Understand visual merchandising and display techniques of fashion
6.03 Understand promoting a fashion image through special events
6.04  Understand the steps of fashion promotion

Important Note for Fashion Merchandising Honors Students:

Fashion Merchandising Honors (MI21 HN) is an honors level course. This course is also available in the Program of Studies at the College Preparatory level. Students earning credit for an Honors level course receive an elevated number of Quality Points for their Grade Point Average. Students choosing the Honors level course should be aware that this Honors level course will include: 

  • Required extension opportunities that are directly related to the Standard Course of Study. This includes additional content beyond that covered in the College Preparatory level.
  • More challenging coursework and assessments. Students will be expected to demonstrate higher levels of understanding for grades.
  • Projects and presentations will be more in depth.
  • Students will have to focus and study regularly to master the content.
  • The expectation that students can move through the coursework at an accelerated pace and students experiencing difficulty should quickly seek guidance from their teacher on how they can be more successful.

Below is a sample of how the Honors level objectives/assignments may differ from those in the College Preparatory level:

Honors Level Objective/Assignment:

College Prep Level Objective/Assignment:

Maintain a Fashion Merchandising notebook that captures all paper-based assignments and handouts as well as extension projects to reflect key learnings. The quality of the honors notebook is such that it can be submitted as a portfolio for entrance into a Fashion Institute (post-secondary education).

Maintain a Fashion Merchandising notebook that captures all paper-based assignments and handouts.

Understand the use of data in fashion forecasting. Create a survey using Google Forms that will allow you to collect data in order to predict the direction of a particular fashion trend.

Understand the use of data in fashion forecasting. Give examples of how data is used in fashion forecasting.

Proof of Learning

The Proof of Learning (POL) for this course is a state-based CTE Final Assessment.  The assessment is administered at the end of the semester. The State assessment is 25% of grade and will be posted on the student's report card.

Supplies Needed

Chromebook and charger (provided by school)

Pencils or Pens (no red ink)

Color Pencils

Glue Stick

1" Notebook or Folder with prongs for any handouts and paper-based assignments

Loose-leaf notebook paper

Barbie/Ken or similar fashion doll AKA "miniature mannequin" (Optional)--Note:  The mini-mannequin is used for a design project.  There are mini-mannequins that may be borrowed from the teacher however if you'd like to keep your creation at the end of the course it will be required that you provide your own.

Course Resources

Online application:  Knowledge Matters is utilized for lesson reinforcement and hands-on simulation activities

Canvas: The majority of assignments not completed on paper will be submitted on our class webpage and learning platform, Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. Students will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission is expected. If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide ( ) for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. Please note that student activity is logged while in Canvas so instructors will be able to see if the student opened the assignment, if there was any activity including a log of student activities during on-line tests and quizzes. Students are not allowed to leave the testing window during assessments. Doing so is considered cheating and will be handled as set forth in the Porter Ridge HS handbook. NOTICE: Although many assignments are submitted and graded in our learning platform, Canvas, the "final" grades shown may not be properly weighted and do not contain assignments that were not graded in Canvas. For the student's official grades, please continue to access the parent portal through Powerschool. Login information is usually sent home with the students at the beginning of the year, and should be the same as last year. If you need assistance accessing the parent portal, please contact the school.

 EmpowerED Family Portal. 


Grading Policy:  A= 90 – 100   B= 80 – 89  C= 70 – 79  D= 60 – 69  F= below 60

The course grade is based upon the following: 1st six weeks grade: 25 %, 2nd six weeks grade: 25%, 3rd six weeks grade: 25%, Final Exam: 25%. The individual six-week grade is calculated using the following percentages: Formal Assessments (Tests/Projects): 30%, Other Assessments (Quizzes/Select Assignments): 20%, Classwork/Homework: 50%

*Grades and absences are available on Powerschool.  Please ensure that you and your parents are aware of your grades and number of absences at all times. Adhere to county and school-wide policies as it relates to attendance requirements needed to pass the course.

Classroom Rules

  1. Be respectful. Use appropriate language and gestures only.
  2. Stay on task and avoid disruptive behaviors. 

Consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Parent contact/conference 3. Office referral 

**Extreme disruptions will result in an automatic dismissal from class and office referral.

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations

  • Come to class prepared. Bring all necessary materials daily.
  • Participate in all class activities.
  • Use Chromebooks and avoid use of cellphones and other electronics during class unless otherwise instructed.
  • Any assigned work should be completed before returning to class on the day that it is due and no later than Sundays at 11:59 PM unless otherwise noted. No late work is allowed.
  • There are several projects required for this class. Ensure that you do not wait until the last minute to work on the project. Projects count as test grades. Seek the teacher early on if you are ever confused or are having trouble with any projects/assignments. 
  • Remember to make up all work missed when absent. Be sure to check Canvas for missed assignments and check with teacher if you’ve missed a quiz or test.  It is your responsibility to make up all work prior to the assignment close date. Please see the teacher for any exceptions to this policy.

Office Hours/Tutoring

Please come to receive extra assistance during scheduled office hours on Fridays. Students are required to bring their notebooks and any questions to the session. Attending tutoring is not a replacement for a student’s participation in class.  Ensure that you have participated in class and are doing your part to take requested notes and complete assignments, in order to take advantage of tutoring.