Course Syllabus

Career Management

Ms. Batchelor

Room G104 704-292-7662 x 7076




This course prepares students to locate, secure, keep, and change careers. Emphasis is 

placed on self assessment of characteristics, interests, and values; education and career 

exploration; evaluation of career information and creation of a career plan. Based on the National Career Development Guidelines, skills learned in this course include, but are not limited to communications, interpersonal skills, problem solving, personal management and teamwork. English language arts is reinforced.


Course Objectives


1.00 Understand Personal Social Development
1.01 Develop understanding of yourself to build and maintain a positive self-concept.
1.02 Develop positive interpersonal skills including respect and diversity.
1.03 Integrate personal growth and change into your career.

1.04 Balance personal, leisure, community, learner, family, and work roles.

2.00 Understand Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning
2.01 Attain educational achievement and performance levels needed to reach personal 

and career goals.
2.02 Participate in ongoing, lifelong learning experiences to enhance your ability to 

function effectively in a diverse and changing economy.

3.00 Understand Career Management
3.01 Create and manage a career plan that meets your career goals.
3.02 Use a process of decision-making as one component of career development.
3.03 Use accurate, current, and unbiased career information during career planning and 


3.04 Master academic, occupational, and general employability skills in order to 

`obtain, create, maintain, and/or advance your employment.

3.05 Integrate changing employment trends, societal needs and economic conditions 

into a career plan.

Proof of Learning:


In this course the proof of learning is determined by taking an NCCTE State Exam. 

The final exam will be taken during exam week, the last week of the Fall semester. Scores will be made available in PowerSchool the day of the exam. 

Grading Policy


All assignments are available through the end of each six weeks. Late work will have a 5 

point penalty per day until day 10 at which point the highest possible grade will be a 50. Once assignments close at the end of the six weeks, late work will no longer be accepted. All homework/classwork grades are input within two days of due date as listed in Canvas; quizzes are input the same day, and tests are in the gradebook within a week. 

Progress reports/report cards will be sent home every 3 weeks. Students and parents can check grades at any time via the ParentPortal, access information should be the same as the previous school year. 


Homework/Classwork 50% 

Quizzes 20%

Tests 30%


Final Exam 


This is a required state final exam. No Exemptions.


Final Grades


As per the UCPS Board of Education grades for the semester are calculated as follows:

1st Six Weeks 25%

2nd Six Weeks 25%

3rd Six Weeks 25% 

Final Exam 25%




Tutoring is available every morning from 7:15-7:45. Afternoon tutoring is by 

appointment ONLY.


Supplies Needed

1” 3-Ring binder

Lined Loose Leaf Paper


Class Procedures/Expectations


Students are expected to be in assigned seats when the bell rings.

Attendance will be taken based on the seating chart, if you are not in your seat you will 

be marked absent.

Students should check Canvas for any information when absent. Students are allowed 

two days for makeup work, for each day missed. 

Students will use the Drafting Lab computers for Drafting only.

Chromebooks are not needed for this course; however, there may be some instances 

where it will be useful.

A bell-ringer/quiz/assignment will be available for students to begin working 


Students will remain at their assigned seats until the bell rings to dismiss for the next 



Classroom Rules


Be respectful of others

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything

No food or drinks allowed in the classroom

No throwing objects or paper

No disruptions of class time

No horseplay

No Internet without permission

No downloading/No games

No phones

No rolling in classroom chairs




The majority of assignments will be submitted on our learning platform, Canvas. Most 

assignments will be uploaded; however, on occasion students will share google 

documents. Quizzes will also be given via Canvas unless they contain sketching. Although grades will show in Canvas the students’ grades in PowerSchool are the official record.