Course Syllabus



Welcome to Chemistry I! “Chemistry is an experimental science that combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigatory skills.” This class will provide opportunities for hands-on activities and cooperative learning. The course will focus on basic chemical concepts and incorporates activities that promote investigations to reinforce the concepts.

To be successful in this class you should have strong math and problem-solving skills. My goal is to help you develop critical thinking skills and prepare you for college and beyond.

I look forward to having a wonderful semester with you all studying chemistry!

Online Text Reference


Course Materials

  • Pens and pencils
  • Three-ring binder with paper to take notes and hold handouts
  • Scientific calculator
  • Planner to record assignments

Wish list: Tissue, hand-sanitizer, dish, and/or hand-washing soap and paper towels. Any donation will be greatly appreciated!

Course Syllabus and Safety Documents

Chemistry I 2021-2022.docx 


Useful Materials/References

Chemistry Reference Table.pdf 

Web Periodic Table of Elements

Units Conversion Tutorials

Course Summary:

Date Details Due