Course Syllabus


Prerequisite: English II 

S2 - 2020


Jamey Harlow


Phone: 704.296.0105

Office Hours: Daily, Monday-Thursday from 10 am to 11 am or by appointment all day on Friday. 


This course will use ELA content to empower students with 21st Century skills; particular focus is given to critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Description: English III is an in-depth study of U.S. literature and U.S. literary nonfiction, foundational works, and documents from the 17th century through the early 20th century. We will cover a variety of multicultural literature in this class. We will work on interdisciplinary informational writing and multimodal presentations focusing on speaking and listening skills.

Course Rationale

In this course, we will address the following:

  • the importance of intelligent discourse
  • effective written and verbal communication
  • the national and North Carolina standards and objectives for ELA curriculum

In addition to these items, we will also build your knowledge base in grammar and literature while expanding your critical thinking and reflection skills. Because much of what we do in this class will be in a participatory workshop model, you and I will be responsible for developing a safe, intellectual community of learners.  We will work together to encourage the development of this community, provide feedback, participate in rich discussions, research topics of interest, and much more.  Our emphasis will be on enhancing your abilities to write, speak, listen, interpret print and non-print texts, think critically, explore new technologies, and become active members of your communities. 

Supplies needed:

  • One composition book (cow notebook) bound design (not spiral)
  • Pen and pencil
  • One package of Post-it notes
  • Two different colors of highlighter



  • A 90-100
  • B 80 - 89
  • C 70 - 79
  • D 60 - 69
  • F 0 – 59

Grades will be based on the points system.

Printed Progress Reports and communication will go home to parents during the grading period for any student not working at a “C” level or above. It is recommended that parents access their student’s grades in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please contact the school’s data manager if assistance is needed in accessing the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Late work/ Revisions:

I am fully committed to your success. Late work will be accepted with the understanding that students will lose 10% of the points for the assignment each day it is late. I will adhere to this policy so time management is important. Revising is learning! Revision will be allowed for a better grade at any time within the same grading period (before the grading period ends).

In order to revise an assignment:

  • it must be a major grade (more than 10 points)
  • it must be turned in both complete and on time (this means you may NOT revise a zero)
  • the grade must be below a 90

We will follow the CHS policy on Exam Exemptions.

Course Policies

  • Much of what you learn in this class will occur through class discussions and participation in class activities; therefore, attendance (physically and virtually) is important. If you are absent check the Canvas Page and email me for any missed assignments. You are required to make up missed work within one week of the absence. It is YOUR responsibility to collect, complete, and turn in make-up work.
  • Cheating/Plagiarism/Misrepresentation: Students will refrain from copying, using, or otherwise claiming the work and words of others to be their own. Students shall not cheat on tests/examinations, copy the work of another, or complete any type of academic assignment in a dishonest or deceptive manner, doing so will result in an irreversible zero and can result in an office referral.
  • CHS/UCPS cell phone policy is in effect in my classroom. Please use good judgment.
  • I will offer participation points each day to students who attend and participate in class via the classroom or live google meet. Points will be tracked on a google doc. When a student reaches 25 participation points they can raise their lowest minor grade to 100%. This participation incentive does not apply to zeros in the grade book. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due