Course Syllabus


I am excited to be guiding you through English 3!   

Contact information:


Office hours will be every Friday.   However, if you EVER have ANY QUESTIONS, please shoot me an email and I will respond as quickly as possible.  


My Philosophy on the Role of English


 I am interested in teaching students the skills necessary to think and form their own judgments. Literature allows students to confront ideas with which people and society may not be comfortable. However, if they can learn to empathize enough to take these ideas seriously while suspending their own belief systems, they are able to form their own judgments about the world around them from a wiser and more understanding perspective.


What We will Explore this Year


Students will be presented with works of literature and nonfiction writing that grapple with the idea of the different periods in American history. Through the close reading of various texts, students will learn to evaluate intricate arguments and meet the challenge of deciphering complex texts.  Our units of study are as follows:


Unit 1:  Encounters and Foundations-Native Americans and Puritans

Unit 2:  Early America: Colonial + Neoclassicism (Revolutionary Literature)

Unit 3:   Romanticism/Transcendentalism

Unit 4:  Realism

Unit 5: The Moderns

Unit 6: Post Moderns

Unit 7: ACT prep

We will also split our time building our ACT vocabulary, grammar skills as well as writing skills.  


Grading Policy

We will follow the school grading system:

A  100-90

B   89-80

C   79-70

D    69-60

F   Below 60


Your grade will be divided into 3 weighted categories:

45%   Formative assessments (comprehension assignments)

45%   Summative assessments (tests)

10%   Class discussions/activities (the day we meet at school)


Frankly, this is high school…   However you can manage keeping up with handouts and other documents is up to you.   With that said, it will be a good idea to have some kind of binder to keep papers organized and accessible when you need them.   You will need something with which to write- your preference (pen or pencil).    You will need your chromebooks on days that we meet face to face.   Be sure it is charged or remember to bring your charger.  


What class will look like


Assignments for the entire week will be posted Mondays in Canvas so that you can work at your own pace to complete assignments.  It is your responsibility to be prepared for our time together.  This means that you will have the assigned reading read for the the week in order to participate in the class dialogue.  If you are not prepared, it’s a “0” for that day.  10% doesn’t seem to be very much but repeated unpreparedness will negatively impact your over all average.



I AM HERE FOR YOU!!!!!!!  You are going to be reading a ton of exciting short stories that are going to challenge you by making you think more deeply about aspects of your life that are generally taken for granted.   I can’t wait to discuss these with you as you further develop your opinions and defend them!  In other words, my main goal for you this year is to THINK!!!!!   


Please remember, if you ever have any questions regarding any assignments, or anything in general, reach out to me!   We are going to have an awesome year!!!!!!     

Course Summary:

Date Details Due