Course Syllabus

Health & Physical Education Information Sheet

Teacher Name: Ms. Lewis

Contact Information:

* Link to the daily task list *

Course Description:

This course has 2 parts; health education and physical education. Health education covers a variety of topics that are important to young individuals for the improvement/ maintenance of overall good health. Topics within this course are mental and emotional health, personal and consumer health, interpersonal communications and relationships, nutrition and physical activity, and alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Physical education teaches students the knowledge and skills for movement that provide access to a physically active lifestyle. 



Students are expected to attend class (virtually or face-to-face) each day, Monday-Friday. For their scheduled face-to-face day: students are expected to arrive to class on time, have on appropriate attire (sneakers/ athletic shoes & school appropriate clothing), participate in all activities, and follow all instructions and rules. For their virtual days: students are expected to log on to our Canvas page each day and complete the assignment(s) provided for that day. 


Grading: Student grades will be calculated based on a point system. Final grade will be the total points earned divided by total points available. 


Virtual: Students will be awarded points depending on the completion and quality of the given assignment. Points will vary based on the difficulty of the assignment. Assignments and instructions for each will be posted on our class Canvas page. Each assignment should be completed in full and turned in on time. Failure to do so will result in point deduction. 


In-person: Students are expected to arrive on time, dress out, participate/ give full effort in all activities, follow instructions and demonstrate good sportsmanship in order to receive full points each day. Failure to do so will result in point deduction. A doctor’s note is required if you are not able to participate in activity. If one is provided, the note will be honored and students will be provided with an alternative assignment to complete to earn their daily points. Unexcused absences will also result in point deduction.

(Sneakers/ athletic shoes are required in order to receive points for dressing out. Due to locker rooms being closed, students will participate in the clothing worn to school. School dress code applies for clothing.)