Course Syllabus

Math 2 Course Syllabus

Parkwood High


Teacher:  Ms. Haiden Laney                       School Phone:  704-764-2900x3323

Email:       Room Number: 503

Office Hours:  Monday-Thursday 8:00-9:00 am,

                             Friday 10:00-11:30 am


Course Description:  Math II continues a progression of the standards established in Math I. In addition to these standards, Math II includes: polynomials, congruence and similarity of figures, trigonometry with triangles, modeling with geometry, probability, making inferences and justifying conclusions.


1. Transformations

  1. Triangle Topics
  2. Quadratics (solving and graphing)
  3. Radicals and Inverse Functions
  4. Right Triangle Trig                                      
  5. Probability



General Expectations                                                   Consequences

  1. You are to be respectful of everyone.                    1st-Warning
    1. You are to refrain from bringing food           2nd – Parent Contact

 or drink into the hallways or classrooms.             3rd- Office Referral

  1. You are to be prepared every day with your chromebook, notebook and pencil.
  2. You are to follow all school and county policies.



Assignments:       You will be required to watch lessons and complete assignments on a daily basis. Information concerning your daily tasks will be sent in announcements and links to each day’s material will be available through the canvas homepage.  Announcements are vital to your understanding of the expectations, communication, and due dates for this course. Please read the daily announcements every time you log in to your course. Projects, tests, and quizzes, in addition to graded classwork/homework will be given with set deadlines.

Due Dates: All work is expected to be completed on a daily basis. All work must be shown and answers only will not receive credit. However, there will be a degree of flexibility to account for “life.” Therefore no work will be counted late as long as it is completed by 11:59 PM every Sunday.

Grading:    Grades will be calculated by percentages. Due to online learning, our tests will be worth 40%, quizzes/weekly assessments worth 30%, and course participation/homework assignments worth 30%. No grades will be “given” or curved, do your best on each assignment. Final grades for the course will follow the format below:

A = 90-100     B = 80-89     C = 70-79     D = 60-69     F = 0-59


Materials:  You will need a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator for this course or access to Desmos Online Graphing Calculator. There is a FREE TI-84 app on your chrome book, look for TI-84 Plus CE app in your webstore! Please do your best to bring paper and pencils to class with you, and organize them at home in a notebook/binder.


A Note to the Students:         Success in this course depends on you!  If you come to class ready to learn, do your required work and have a positive attitude, you will do well.  If at any time you need help, need something re-explained or are having a problem, do not hesitate to ask or e-mail, that is why I am here.  We can all learn from your questions!! You will have a very hard time being successful in the class and on the EOC exam if you do not put the personal effort into the class.

All contents within this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of Ms. Laney as necessary.