Course Syllabus



Mrs. Bounds




Web Page:


1st Block





Friday 11:00 - 12:00

Welcome to Mrs. Bounds’ CompTia IT Fundamentals Class. I have high expectations for each student. I will demand hard work and positive attitudes from you every day. I will provide a safe and challenging environment so you have the opportunity to develop a thorough knowledge of various career opportunities in the Information Technology field. This course is project-based and requires students to work individually as well as in teams and to meet deadlines. My goal is to prepare students for life after high school armed with 21st century skills.


This introductory course provides students with the foundation to pursue further study in information technology. Emphasis is on activities and hands-on experiences to help students with understanding computing basics and hardware, types of software, setting up a basic workstation, an introduction to networking, configuring wireless devices, and securing computing devices. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include service learning, and job shadowing.

The concepts you will be expected to master in this course are as follows:




Understand Computing Basics and Computer Hardware  (22%)


1.01  Understand computing basics

1.02 Identify the Types of Computing Devices

1.03 Identify Internal Computer System Components

1.04 Identify Common Computer Connector Types

1.05 Identify Common Peripheral Devices

1.06 Understand Safety Issues and Environmental Concepts in Computing

1.07 Understand the Value of Data and Information

1.08 Understand Information Technology Career Pathways (Supplemental)


Understand Computer Software and Software Development Concepts  (22%)


2.01 Understand Types of Software and their uses

2.02 Understand Working with Files, Folders, and applications

2.03 Identify Programming Language Categories

2.04 Understand Programming Organizational Techniques and Interpret Logic

2.05 Understand the Purpose and Use of Programming Concepts


Understand Computer Workstation Setup and Issue Troubleshooting  (14%)


3.01 Identify the Steps to Set-up a Basic Computer Workstation

3.02 Understand How to Back-up and Restore Data

3.03 Understand Troubleshooting Hardware and Software

3.04 Identify Factors that Influence Computer Purchasing Decision Making Process (Supplemental)


Understand Networking  (9%)


4.01 Understand Network Connection Types, Alt Technologies, Data Sharing, and Storage Methods

4.02 Understand How to Install and Configure a SOHO router


Understand Wireless Technology and Mobile Devices  (9%)


5.01 Identify the Configuration options for Wireless Devices

5.02 Understand How to Use Wireless Devices


Understand Computer Security  (15%)


6.01 Identify the Types of Computer Security Threats

6.02 Understand Computer User Account Settings to Secure Computing Devices

6.03Identify Secure Web Browsing Practices


Understand Database Fundamentals  (9%)


     7.01 Understand Database Concepts and the purpose of a Database

     7.02 Identify Various Database Structures

     7.03 Understand methods Used to Interface with Databases



Required Supplies (Daily)

*Pencil or Pen                   * Headphones/ear buds for video/audio assignments            * Flashdrive


  1. Show respect and courtesy for teacher and all classmates.
  2. Conduct yourself in a manner which respects all students’ right to learn.
  3. Follow all UCPS, CATA and Classroom Rules and Procedures as outlined in the student handbooks and course agenda.
  4. Stay on task at all times and put forth your best effort.
  5. Have a positive attitude and Have Fun learning!

 Internet Policy

Students will use the school network and Internet on a daily basis to access instructional websites and project resources. All students are expected to abide by the UCPS Acceptable Use policy when using the school network. The streaming of audio and/or video, playing games on the computer without permission, the use of chat rooms, Facebook, YouTube, instant messenger, email, twitter, proxy servers or using the Internet for non-educational purposes is prohibited. Violations will result in disciplinary action.

 Honor Code

The work that you submit represents your learning, and so it represents you.  Therefore, your work must demonstrate both your integrity and honor.  Anyone caught cheating or plagiarizing on any assignment, from homework to exams, will face strict penalties.       ---J.Kasler

 “You may look up for inspiration and down in desperation, but you must not look side to side or over the shoulder for information.”    


Mrs. Bounds’ Classroom Procedures

Entering Classroom

1.     Sit at your assigned student desk/computer. 

2.     Begin the warm-up activity or classwork as soon as the bell rings.


1.     Always read instructions before asking for help.

2.     Use chat feature in Teams during class and Email outside of class hours.


1.     Use only the equipment assigned to you.

2.     Leave computer settings alone, they are not to be changed.

3.     Handle equipment with extreme care, you may be held responsible for repairs.

4.     Check your computer at the beginning of class and let me know immediately if something is missing or not working.

5.     Intentionally damaging or causing disruptions with equipment will result in disciplinary actions. 

Out of Seat

1.     Remain in your seat. Raise your hand if there is an immediate need. There should be no one walking around the classroom at any time.


1.     Remain quiet when the teacher or another student is teaching, presenting or giving instructions.

2.     Raise your hand when you are answering questions or asking questions.

Leaving the Classroom

1.     You must get permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom, and those requests need to be minimal.


1.     Students cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment(s) with no option to redo. Be diligent and do your own work.

Missed Work

1.     Each student is responsible for getting missed assignments when absent.

2.     Missed assignments must be made up within 2 school days of returning to class.

3.     Missed Test/Quiz must be rescheduled within 2 school days of returning to class and taken before or after school.

4.     Daily assignments are posted on the class Canvas page.


1.     50%  Quizzes, Tests (Objective Tests, Projects)

2.     50%  Labs/Classwork (Warm-ups, Notes, Worksheets, Study Guides, Content Assignments and Activities)

3.     All assignments may not appear in gradebook

4.     A zero (0) grade represents work the student may NOT makeup

5.   A one (1) grade represents work the student MAY makeup (late points may be taken)

6.     Report Cards every 6 weeks and reminder for Progress Reports around week 3, 9, 15

7.     FINAL EXAM is 25% of course grade

8.     Access Parent Portal to view gradebook

End of Class

1.     You may logout during the last 3 minutes of class or when instructed, not earlier.

2.     Remain at your desk until the bell rings. Remember I dismiss you, not the bell.

Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, Lockdowns

1.     Follow the teacher’s instructions and take all safety drills seriously.

2.     Fire drill - exit to the front of the school, follow the sidewalk to the right and go to the far side of teacher parking lot and remain with your class.

3.     Tornado drill – kneel down facing the wall in the hallway just outside the classroom.

4.     Lockdown – sit in the front of the classroom and remain completely silent.

CANVAS Classroom Online-Learning Platform & Resources

1.     Warm-ups, assignments, quizzes and uploading files will be done through Canvas:

2.     Check due dates. It is the responsibility of each student to submit work on time.

3.     Canvas logs every student submission with a date and time.

4.     Grades in canvas reflect only the specific assignment grade and are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. Check the Parent Portal on Powerschool for student’s true average grade for each course.

5.     Link to Student Guide for Canvas questions:

6.     Link to EmpowerEd Family Portal:

7.     There is NO textbook for this course. Students will use the curriculum developed and published by NC Department of Public Instruction for this course. This curriculum, all assignment instructions and submissions, Quizzes, Tests and Exam Reviews are available on my classroom Canvas page.


     The majority of assignments will be submitted on our "learning platform," Canvas.  Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations.  Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas.  Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected.  If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem.  The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id. 

     Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook.  The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform.  Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true grade on the Parent Portal in PowerSchool.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due