Course Syllabus


Honors Earth and Environmental Science Syllabus

Rhonda Brown

(704) 296-3088 ext. 7135


  • General Description This course is meant to help students understand the world they live in. It focuses on the natural systems of Earth present in the atmosphere, water, surface, and deep within its core and the processes that govern them. Additionally, human effects on the environment are also discussed. Finally, it examines Earth as an object in space and its neighbors. After completion of this course, you will have a much greater understanding of the world around you.
  • Specific Goals and Objectives Introduction & Scientific Method, Meteorology & Climate, Hydrology, Geology, Environment & Ecology, and Astronomy

The general link for all State Courses (but not CTE) is:

  • Honors Differentiation Statement – if course is Honors, see below
  • Grading – The NC grading scale is as followed: A= 90-100% B=80-89%C-70-79% D=60-69%F=0-59%. DAILY PARTICIPATION is graded.
  • Supplies – Chromebook, Internet, Paper, Pencil, Pens (different colors), Notebook, Markers, Highlighter.
  • Resources – this can include textbook title, online links to texts, how to access your other resources, .
  • Assessments and Assignments – Most work is found on Canvas. There will be group or collaborative projects and presentations.

o   Make-up Work rules/procedures –Work can be found in Canvas. There will be a designated area, in the classroom, for hard copies, of work that needs to be made up.

  • Classroom Expectations – RESPECT is the MOST important part of class. RESPECT the rules, use RESPECTFUL tones, treat EVERYONE with RESPECT. ALL MASKS ALL THE TIME. Cover nose and mouth. If you remove your mask, you will be removed, from the class, until the situation is resolved. I should not see cell phones. Cell phones will be put away, in bookbags.I will take cell phones that are out, without my permission. Cheating and plagiarism result in an automatic zero, on the assignment. I should not see cell phones. Late assignments are deducted 20 pts.each day they are late. For an assignment 1 day late, the highest grade can be an 80.
  • Online Learning Platform – Canvas and Microsoft Teams


Required Honors Statement for EVERY HN course that also has a CP version:



HN is an honors level course. This course is also available in the Program of Studies at the College Preparatory level. Students earning credit for an Honors level course receive an elevated number of Quality Points for their Grade Point Average. Students choosing the Honors level course should be aware that this Honors level course will include:

  • Required extension opportunities that are directly related to the Standard Course of Study. This includes additional content beyond that covered in the College Preparatory


  • More challenging coursework and assessments. Students will be expected to demonstrate higher levels of understanding for
  • Projects and presentations will be more in
  • Students will have to focus and study regularly to master the
  • The expectation that students can move through the coursework at an accelerated pace and students experiencing difficulty should quickly seek guidance from their teacher on how they can be more


Examples of Honors Differentiation in this Course

The entire NC Standard Course of Study by clicking here:    (for CTE courses – but need to find one specific to your course)

Below is a sample of how the Honors level objectives may differ from those in the College Preparatory level:

HONORS level objective

COLLEGE PREP level objective

Bio. Example Bio.1.2.3 Analyze how specific cell adaptations help cells survive in particular environments (focus on unicellular organisms and

specific cell types in multicellular organisms).

Bio. Example.1.2.3 Explain how specific cell adaptations help cells survive in particular environments (focus on unicellular organisms).

Am. History Example AH1.H.2.2 Evaluate key turning points from colonization through Reconstruction in terms of their lasting impact (e.g., conflicts, legislation, elections, innovations, leadership, movements, Supreme Court decisions, etc.), project how these issues may

influence current or future events.

Am. History Example AH1.H.2.2 Evaluate key turning points from colonization through Reconstruction in terms of their lasting impact (e.g., conflicts, legislation, elections, innovations, leadership, movements, Supreme Court decisions, etc.).


This differentiation in objectives results in different assignments and assessments. Below is a sample of how the Honors level assignments/assessments may differ in this course:

HONORS level assignment

COLLEGE PREP level assignment

Bio ex. Draw and label one unicellular organism. Indicate two adaptations and how they help the organism survive. Draw and label two different types of specialized cells from one multicellular organism. Identify the adaptations of each cell and analyze how they support the cell’s role in

the organism.

Bio ex. Draw and label a bacterial cell. Indicate two adaptations and how they help the organism survive.

Am.History ex. Evaluate Brown vs. Board of Education and how this landmark decision impacted public education in the past as well as identifying a current issue in education and analyzing how the Brown vs. BOE decision may be used to support one or both sides of the current issue. Students will present information

in a research paper.

Am.History ex. Evaluate Brown vs. Board of Education and how this landmark decision impacted public education in the past.



Learning Platform at Central Academy


Canvas: The majority of assignments will be submitted on our new "learning platform,"

Canvas. Assignments can be submitted a variety of ways including, uploading files, typing into text boxes, and sharing Google documents/presentations. Students not having used Canvas before should alert the teacher and they will be shown how to submit assignments on Canvas. Individual assignments will indicate which method of submission on Canvas is expected. If students need a refresher or have questions, they can access the Canvas Student Guide for specific instructions. It is the student's responsibility to ensure assignments are submitted on time and to contact the instructor if there is a problem. The Canvas Learning Platform logs every student log-in on Canvas which provides teachers with a list of when students log-in to Canvas using their user id.

Canvas is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in Canvas, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform. Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on Powerschool.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due