Course Syllabus

B20 Honors Microsoft Excel

 Mrs. Patti Griffin ~ Room 117

Course Syllabus



Phone: 704-296-3088


Planning: 2nd block

Tutoring Hours: Fridays 10:45 in MS Teams 

Office Hours: Fridays 12 noon - 1 pm

Course Overview

By completing Honors Microsoft Excel, students will be able to:

  • Optimize the ways you organize ideas and information
  • Gain valuable insights into the ways you can filter and present data
  • Create spreadsheets that deliver their targeted data to the intended audiences clearly and effectively
  • Apply Microsoft Excel 2019 to improve personal productivity and be ready to use Excel in the world of work and life beyond school
  • Create and work with Excel spreadsheets to improve the ways ideas and information are organized, gain valuable insights to filter and present data, and create spreadsheets that clearly and effectively deliver targeted data and computations to the intended audiences
  • Prepare for the MOS certification exam - Excel & Excel Expert

 Course Outline

(Part 1)

   Module 1 – Introduction

   Module 2 - Managing worksheets and workbooks

   Module 3 - Formatting cells

   Module 4 - Managing tables and range data

   Module 5 - Using formulas and functions

   Module 6 - Getting and transforming data

   Module 7 - Visualizing data

   Module 8 - Preparing to print and checking for issues

   Certification Exam (Students must qualify for this exam by completing work and earning an 80 or better on two Practice Tests).  More info below.

(Part 2, Expert)

Module 1 – Managing and formatting data

Module 2 – Using advanced formulas

Module 3 – Validating and auditing data

Module 4 – Analyzing data

Module 5 – Using simple macros

Module 6 – Using Microsoft PivotTables and Microsoft PivotCharts

Module 7 – Collaborating with other people

Certification Exam (Students must qualify for this exam by completing work and earning an 80 or better on two Practice Tests).  More info below.


All course work will be using the web-based platform, TestOut (LabSim) & GMetrix.


30% ~ Class Participation ~ During teacher instruction, students are expected to participate by volunteering or when their name is called.  Each week, students will start out with an individual 100 weekly participation grade.  The following will result in a 10-point deduction: (1) not responding/participating in Teams when called and (2) any zero’s for work not completed for the week.

 30% ~ Classwork (Class Work includes TestOut videos and Labs, Gmetrix assignments, and other assignments aimed at providing extra practice and reinforcement of the ideas covered in class.

40% ~ Quizzes & Test ~ Quizzes & Tests will be in TestOut & Gmetrix. 

     Certification Exam will count as two test grades.  Only one retake will be allowed.

      Final Exam is 25% of course grade

 All work is expected by its due date which is posted on Canvas with the assignment.  NO LATE WORK will be accepted after the following Monday (9 am) from the due date.  Work turned in late will result in a 10-point penalty.  It is the student’s responsibility to email the teacher when late work is completed.

Report Cards every 6 weeks and Progress Reports around week 3, 9, 15. Canvas & TestOut is used to grade assignments as well, however, the grades in these platforms, while accurate to that assignment, are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. The teacher’s gradebook includes categories of assignments that may be weighted differently and may include grades for assignments that did not use the Canvas Learning Platform. Therefore, students and parents should always check their child’s true average on the Parent Portal on PowerSchool.

Internet Policy

Students will use the school network and Internet on a daily basis to access instructional websites and project resources. All students are expected to abide by the UCPS Acceptable Use policy (page 62 of the UCPS High School handbook) when using the school network. The streaming of audio and/or video, playing games on the computer without permission, the use of chat rooms, social media, YouTube, instant messenger, email, proxy servers or using the Internet for non-educational purposes is prohibited (page 75 of the UCPS High School handbook). Violations will result in disciplinary action.

Work Ethic

Work Ethic is a set of values based on character and hard work.  Now is the time to develop these skills, such as honesty & integrity, attendance & punctuality, productivity, attitude, appearance, organizational skills, and team work.  Please make good choices and refresh yourself with the Honor Code in the UCPS High School Handbook (page 39).  Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. 

“Winners never cheat and cheaters never win.” ~ Jon M. Huntsman Sr.

Classroom Procedures & Expectations

Entering Classroom

1.     Enter through designated door & sit at your assigned student desk/computer. 

2.     Clean your desk/computer, wipes provided.  You may go wash hands or use hand sanitizer.

3.     Log in computer & go to my Canvas page.


All students are expected to be in Microsoft Teams at 12:15 (3rd Block) or 2:15 (4th Block) for instruction & attendance.  Students are expected to remain in meeting during teacher instruction and may not leave until the teacher has dismissed them. 

If at any time the teacher calls on a student in Teams (verbally or in comments) and the student does not respond, the student will be marked absent and will receive a 10 pt deduction from the weekly participation grade.


1.     Always read instructions before asking for help.

2.     When using Microsoft Teams (virtual) use the raise hand option or chat your question.

3.      Email teacher.

TEAM Attitude

In my classroom, we are family; we talk to each other, compliment & encourage each other, and help each other (alot). 

Classroom Computers

*All computers are the property of UCPS; therefore, you are expected to use proper care.

1.     Use only the equipment assigned to you.

2.     Leave computer settings alone, they are not to be changed.

3.     Handle equipment with extreme care, you may be held responsible for repairs.

4.     Check your computer at the beginning of class and let me know immediately if something is missing or not working.

5.     Intentionally damaging or causing disruptions with equipment will result in disciplinary actions. 


Earbuds/headphones for class.  I do have sets that can be used.  You will be responsible for checking those out & returning them.

Leaving the Classroom

Bathroom – ask & go, no pass.

Office – ask for pass & follow hall directions.


1.     Students cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment(s) with no option to redo.  Parents will be contacted and will result in an office referral (if cheating on test or exam).

Missed Work

1.     Each student is responsible for getting missed assignments when absent, which will be on Canvas.

2.     All work is due before class the next day; any work after that will receive a 10 pt deduction for late penalty (unless student emails teacher for extension). 

3.     NO WORK ACCEPTED will be accepted after the following Monday (9 am) from the due date.  Work turned in late will result in a 10-point penalty.  It is the student’s responsibility to email the teacher when late work is completed.

4.     Daily assignments are posted on the class Canvas page and in the classroom.

5.     Please communicate with teacher for any extensions needed.

6.     Students are responsible for emailing teacher for extension.

End of Class

1.     Please clean up your area & push your chair in.

2.     Remain at your desk until the bell rings.

3.     Please use designated door to leave classroom & follow hall direction.

Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, Lockdowns

1.     Follow the teacher’s instructions and take all safety drills seriously.

2.     Fire drill - exit to the front of the school, follow the sidewalk to the right and go to the far side of teacher parking lot and remain with your class.

3.     Tornado drill – kneel down facing the wall in the hallway just outside the classroom.

4.     Lockdown – sit in the front of the classroom and remain completely silent.  If you sit near a window, please close blinds.

CANVAS Classroom Online-Learning Platform & Resources

1.     Warm-ups, assignments, quizzes and uploading files will be done through Canvas:

2.     Check due dates. It is the responsibility of each student to submit work on time.

3.     Canvas logs every student submission with a date and time.

4.     Grades in canvas reflect only the specific assignment grade and are NOT the teacher’s gradebook. Check the Parent Portal on PowerSchool for student’s true grade for each course.

5.     Link to Student Guide for Canvas questions: 

6.     Link to EmpowerEd Family Portal:

7.     Students will use Testout-LabSim for this course, which is online. 

This link: is accessible from the classroom Canvas page. Quizzes and Chapter TESTS will be in Canvas & LabSim.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due