Course Syllabus

Honors English II Syllabus

Mr. Slattery, Weddington High School



Welcome Students!


Course Overview:                                            

Honors English II is a melting pot of both fiction and non-fiction literature from around the world. Students will read and analyze short stories, poems, novels, and various forms of non-fiction about both historical and current events. In addition to analyzing writings from accomplished authors, students will also analyze, practice, and produce a variety of non-fiction and fictional writing of their own. Students will also create and present a variety of formal and information presentations.



For this school year, Union County Schools has adopted the Holt-McDougall textbook series, which includes a grammar and literature text, online texts, and complete online support for each student. Each student will be given a username and password for access to the online materials. Students without access to the internet may be issued a textbook, but all students will be responsible for reading online texts and documents throughout the semester. We will be also reading novels this semester and students will either be given the book or purchase their own. Longer works of fiction will include Night (summer reading), The Alchemist, Julius Caesar, and Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.


Necessary Supplies for Mr. Slattery’s English II:

  1. One 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder OR one five-subject notebook for English work ONLY!!
  2. Pencils (#2 for test taking purposes) and Pens (blue/black)
  3. Kleenex and hand sanitizer


Class Rules

  1. Be prepared and on-time for class, and begin work immediately after the bell rings: on-time means in your seat at the bell. If you are late, we will follow the Weddington High School consequences for tardies. Being prepared also means turning off and putting away all personal electronic devices. I will notify you when electronic devices are approved for use; otherwise, they should not be seen.
  2. Be respectful of the teacher, and do not interrupt teaching or learning. This means listen actively and do not talk while the teacher is talking. Please hold questions until the end of lecture or modeling. During discussion, raise your hand when you have a question and wait to be recognized before speaking.  Do not interrupt or get out of your seat while I am speaking or we are engaged in class discussion. 
  3. Be respectful of your classmates.  Everyone’s opinion and voice is valuable to the class. Listen actively while others are talking. Furthermore, rude behavior directed toward the teacher or other students will receive immediate consequences, including parent contact, removal from class and referral.
  4. Be positive and proactive. You control your own attitude, so stay focused on the positive. You also control your own success, so take positive steps without being asked or told to do so. Specifically, that means putting away electronic devices while in class; listening actively when the teacher or other students are speaking; and following instructions the first time they are given.  
  5. Follow all Weddington High School Rules.  School policies will be enforced as described in your student handbook.


Student Expectations and Responsibilities for English II:

  1. Students are expected to put away personal electronic devises and engage with the literature, their classmates, and the teacher.
  2. Students are expected to be respectful of the teacher and their classmates at all times.
  3. Students are expected to come to class prepared on a daily basis. This means not only having all your supplies but also being prepared to participate, being prepared to contribute to class discussions, and having completed the homework.
  4. Students are expected to take notes during class discussions and during direct teaching of concepts. Quizzes and tests will reflect the notes and class discussions.
  5. Students are expected to complete individual and group assignments for enrichment of specific skills.
  6. Students are expected to read the assigned literature pieces and respond appropriately to given questions.



Students who violate any of the aforementioned rules will be subject to disciplinary action including warnings, parent contact, after school detention, in-school suspension, and out of school suspension. 


Grading Scale is as follows:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: Below 60


Grades are computed using the following weights: 

Tests and major essays are worth 40%

Quizzes/major projects are worth 40%

Daily assignments and homework are worth 20%. 


Homework, Make-up work, late Work:

Classwork and homework are integral parts of all English classes, and they are used to check for understanding and skill development.  All homework assignments will be due at the beginning of the class period or as designated by the teacher, and classwork is due the day it is assigned. Students will receive a 0 for classwork and homework not completed.  If you are absent, you have two days from the absence to make arrangements to complete the assignment without penalty.



At WHS, we consider plagiarism and malpractice a very serious matter, and we have a clear policy on plagiarism outlined in the Student Handbook.  Accepted policy is that if students use another’s work without proper referencing, he or she is guilty of plagiarism and/or malpractice.  Furthermore, all written work is to be the student’s own work.  This means that a student may not “borrow” another’s paper, alter a few words/phrases and expect credit.  Evidence of this will result in an automatic zero to BOTH parties and a referral to the administration.  This also includes “glancing” at another student’s test or quiz during class time. Bottom line – do your own work!


Attendance Policy:

Regular attendance is of prime importance for academic success especially since this course is only a semester in length.  We have copious amounts of material to cover in that time! Obviously, some absences are unavoidable, but it would be in everyone’s best interests to be in class every day. Students will follow the guidelines set forth by UCPS concerning attendance and will not miss more than 7 days, excused or unexcused. Failure to meet the attendance requirements could result in failure of the course or recovery days.  

Course Summary:

Date Details Due