Course Syllabus

Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Mr. Hurni (Email:

Policy Sheet (Some of the items below may be altered due to the limitations of COVID)


GoalThis course is designed for students interested in an introduction to sports, entertainment, and event marketing.  Emphasis is placed on the following principles as they apply to the industry: branding, licensing, and naming rights; business foundations; concessions and on-site merchandising; economic foundations; promotion; safety and security; and human relations. Skills in communications, human relations, psychology, and mathematics are reinforced in this course.  Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include cooperative education, paid/unpaid internships, or school-based enterprises. Marketing simulations, projects, teamwork, DECA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitions provide many opportunities for application of instructional competencies.

Supplies:  It is recommended that you have the following:

  • A 3-Ring Binder Notebook (1.5 inches minimum, can be shared w/ another class)
  • Highlighter – Any Color
  • Your body and your mind in class. You cannot maximize your potential if you don’t attend class.


Class Rules:   (These rules are in addition to Union County Public School (UCPS) and Weddington HS rules.) 

  • Be prompt – by being in your assigned seat when the final bell rings (I take attendance through my seating chart)
  • No lining up at the door near the end of the class. (4th block if all chairs are put up between Senior bell is OK)
  • No Talking to others while I am giving directions or class notes, 5 points will be deducted after the first warning
  • Sleeping or habitually having your head down during notes and videos will result in points deduction
  • Disruption of classroom through noise or other means during notes, videos, or presentations equals points deduction
  • Be polite and respectful to your classmates and to me. (No Horseplay) Have a valid reason if you leave your seat.
  • Notes, Group work & presentations, independent work is expected. If you don’t want to work, drop the course. If you cannot handle autonomy, drop the class.  I don’t micromanage you.


Cell phones, ear buds and chromebook policy:   

  • Ear bud use during notes will result in points deduction
  • No games/movies or Internet browsing during notes or when you are assigned work to be done.
  • When I say “NO CHROMEBOOKS”, they are to be closed until I give the “OK”.  Violations will result point deductions.
  • Phones should only be used for important communication w/ parents and then put away.


Progression of Rules & Policy violations:

(The teacher reserves the right to skip to any step if needed.)

  1. Warning-Verbal or written, Points off grade if disruptive behavior continues
  2. 5 minute detention (before or after school)
  3. ISS
  4. Notify Parent/Guardian via email
  5. Office referral/write-up (Principal, AP or School Resource Officer involvement)


Attendance & Tardiness:

  • UCPS rules outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook applies.
  • School tardy policy is always in effect.


Guideline for Turning in Assignments:  (Failure to follow will result in loss of points.)

  • All hand-written assignments will be in blue or black ink only and legible. (I cannot grade what I cannot read.)
  • All typed papers will use Times Roman or Arial fonts, 12-point in size, and 1-inch margins.
  • Typed papers will require a Full Heading: Name, Assignment Name/Number, Class Period, and   This information will be placed on all typed work in the upper right side of the paper.


When absent, timeline for missed assignments: (Do not ask me for missed work at the beginning of class.  Wait until group or independent work time)

  • Each student is responsible for completing all work missed during absences.
  • Students will begin to lose points off the assignment after 1 week of their return if the work is not turned in.
  • Check the box for assignment or class work, Canvas may also have the work available.



 Late Work

  • Every assignment is due when it is assigned or a due date is given.
  • An assignment is past due if not turned in by the due date. Assignments completed after the due date have a max credit of 90% and the later assignments are turned in, the less credit you will receive.

Grading Scale:

  • Grading Scale:
    • A 90-100
    • B 80-89
    • C 70-79
    • D 60-69
    • F Below 60=Failing
  • For this class:
    • Class and Homework Assignments                 30%
    • Tests 35%
    • Quizzes 15%
    • Projects 20%



  • Homework includes reading, completing written exercises, working on projects, researching current business events and preparing presentations.


In-School Suspension (ISS):

  • Students in ISS on test or quiz days must make up the test or quiz upon returning or in ISS.
  • All students are responsible for completing class assignments due while they are in ISS and turning in work according to class due dates.
  • If work is due on the day a student is in ISS, the student must turn the work into the ISS Coordinator that day.


Communication:  Both students and parents are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns with me.

  1. Please check the Weddington Website on my link on the teacher pages for general information
  2. A class texting system will be setup so that you will receive texts throughout the semester on important items and deadlines.
  3. Email:  The quickest way to contact me is usually by email (
  4. Phone:  You may also call here at the school (704-296-6319). 
  5. Conferences:  I am available before school and for meetings or parent conferences, which can be arranged through the Guidance Office.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due