Course Syllabus

Description of Course Content - "Syllabus"

This is a full-year course developed to accommodate students who have
demonstrated a strong interest and commitment to excel in computer generated artwork. These
students will complete an AP 2-D Art and Design portfolio with an emphasis on computer 
generated media. Research, virtual field trips, regularly (at least biweekly) oral and written
critiques will be integral parts of this course. All students will submit a portfolio at the end of the
course that has followed the AP Art and Design Portfolio Submission requirements. With direct
teacher instruction, the emphasis will be placed on the development of the AP Portfolio.
The students will complete both sections (Sustained Investigation and Selected Work (Quality
Section) of the portfolio. This course will emphasize ongoing documented experimentation with
design concepts, composition, and media that uses ‘Design Journals (DJs)’ (sketchbooks).
Students will use these DJs daily, and they will be the core source of ideation and documentation
of their art-making. Artist growth, ideas, and final artworks will be investigated through the use of
these books.
As a part of this course, students must develop their own personal voice. Mastery of concepts,
composition, execution, varied art mediums, mixed media, and themes, concepts, subject matter,
and content are an expected outcome. Students will understand that creating and developing art is
a constant, ongoing activity that involves personal decision making. Students will understand that
in order to for their artwork to achieve quality in concept, composition, and execution, it includes
much risk taking, experimenting, and research. This risk-taking process will be documented in
their Design Journals (DJs).
Artistic Integrity: The course teaches students to understand integrity in art and design as well as
what constitutes plagiarism. If students produce work that makes use of others' work, the course
teaches students how to develop their own work so that it moves beyond duplication of the referenced
work(s). Copyright, professional ethics, moving beyond duplication, and plagiarism will be
discussed on an ongoing basis and are embedded throughout the course, and in core instruction of
the course. Throughout the course students are encourages to work from their individual direct
life observation of things in their world, their environment, their dreams, and their fantasies. For
example: take their own pictures and photographs, use observational drawing, and use of mind
mapping exploration to develop original work. Students must adhere to AP integrity guidelines:
“Any work that makes use of (appropriates) photographs, published images, and/or the work of someone
else must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This is demonstrated
through manipulation of the materials, processes, and/or ideas of the source. The student’s individual
vision should be clearly evident. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law
simply to copy someone else’s work or imagery (even in another medium) and represent it as one’s own.
The College Board reserves the right to decline to score an AP Art and Design Portfolio Exam or cancel an
AP Art and Design Portfolio Exam when misconduct occurs, such as copying another artist’s work.”
*** students will document sources of inspiration by making a compilation or references and resources
on their weekly journal. Creating a complex mind map with imagery and words to support design
process to creating original works related to the inquiry question leading to the SI. The process will
then be shared on a discussion board for feedback
***students will use videos, images, and art history resources as reference to styles and historical
inspirations for understanding how other’s use art making process and art techniques in works of art
through history and be able to identify work made by others to inspire own thinking and making. This
documentation include the use of Google art project galleries.
***students will submit a total of no less than 5 revisions for artwork created during the sustained
investigation research.
***students will create a digital collage with their own pictures (picture only taken by them) once a
***students will create a sketch once a week while using their own imagery as inspiration in order to
develop creative expression, originality, and personal art making style


Classroom expectations

Students to attend virtual Meetings and submit all work on time

Students to participate in critiques

Students to follow integrity guidelines

Students to document the process for each portfolio artwork



A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 59 and below

We  continue to use the 5C's rubric with teacher made guidelines and also, the AP Rubric as a tool to practice


Late work policy

Students will have a 10 point deduction for work submitted late

Student can make up missing work and ask for extensions as needed in the event of an emergency 


attendance/signing on policy

attendance will require for student to participate daily on team meeting, and/or check in on canvas daily, and/or canvas notification (email notification) of "not able to attend/participate" in team meeting/canvas. See UCPS guidelines.