Course Syllabus

Art 1 - Syllabus

Teacher:  Ms. Hannah Wright



Purpose and Objectives:

The arts stimulate the part of the brain that promotes unique, creative and original thoughts.  Art creates neuro pathways in the brain that once established can then be used in a variety of other subjects to broaden thought patterns and problem solve.  This course is designed as an introduction to the basics of Art.  This course does not focus on crafts.  The goal of this course is to lay a solid foundation of art concepts, techniques and vocabulary for students to build on and move forward.  During this course students will focus on the Elements of Art & Principals of Design, while learning how to use a variety of art tools and techniques to create student art work.  Students will also demonstrate literacy in art by using proper methods to critique art as well as by studying a variety of artists and artworks.  

In Art 1 students will:

  • use the language of visual arts (art Vocab) to communicate effectively.
  • apply creative and critical thinking skills to art.
  • safely and appropriately create art using a variety of tools, media and processes.
  • understand the contexts of the visual arts… (global, historical, societal, and cultural)
  • understand how art applies and connects to life and other subjects.
  • Use critical analysis to critique art based on formal and teacher-generated criteria





  • Sketchbook (8 ½ X 11” –or larger, Ring bound no lines)
  • Box of Pencils w/ eraser–NOT MECHANICAL
  • Black Sharpie markers: Fine tip and Regular (2 or more… Leave one at home for future use)
  • Old towel (to make rags for cleaning)



  • Portfolio or means of transportation of artwork (Artwork will not leave school without a portfolio for safe transportation)
  • Art color pencils (have better pigment density than Crayola or Rose Art such as Prisma Color or Prang)
  • Sketch pencils (Ranges anywhere from 8H-8B)
  • Large Scissors
  • Ruler (with inches and cm markers)
  • Paint brushes (1-narrow, soft bristle for details, 1-wide, no more than an inch, for large space, and anything in between if desired)
  • Objects/Toys (Small, silent, used for sketch practice)
  • Headphones if listening to personal music

Art room wish list-

  • #2 Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Large Scissors
  • Markers
  • Elmer’s Glue bottles
  • Paint brushes

Suggested locations to purchase optional art supplies:

Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff (bring student ID for discount)   316 Remount Rd, Charlotte, NC 28203

Michaels      7836 Rea Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277                                     

Online:                              or Amazon



Daily Expectations: 

Be ready at the start of class.  The warning bell is your cue to make sure that when the bell rings you have your materials out and are ready to start.  Be prepared at the start of class; have your sketchbook open dated and ready when the final bell rings.  Students will be expected to focus on instruction and demonstration of techniques.  Students should take notes in their sketch books when necessary. 

Mature behavior is required and not an option

  • The Art room has many potentially dangerous objects such as hot glue guns, X-ACTO knives, paint… horsing around or silly behavior during potentially dangerous situations will result in an immediate referral as well as loss of the use of materials that are being misused.
  • Although our focus is not Art History, we may view paintings or sculptures displaying the human form. A mature perspective and response is required. 
  • In a large class setting, each student matters. Also, each voice adds to the volume in the room. The class should work quietly (not necessarily silently) in order to allow for maximum productivity for all students.  If students are unable or unwilling to talk quietly, we will practice silence in order to allow for all students to be able to concentrate and produce excellent work.

During teacher instructional time students will listen silently and take notes as necessary.  Students are to stay focused and not be distracted by phones, other class work or their peers.  Although cell phone use is permitted, it is not permitted during instructional periods.  I do not lecture for long periods of time, so when I am giving instructions or introducing an artist/artwork, tools or techniques, I expect undivided attention.  Disruptive behavior (talking, horsing around), during instructional times will result in a referral.

Students are to use studio time productively since generally art work will not be transported to and from home until the piece is complete and graded.  If additional studio time is needed, students are welcome to come in before school, during their lunch (if time/space allows) or after school.  Projects have due dates that students are expected to adhere to, however, if a student is putting forth exceptional effort and needs more time, I will do everything I can to make that time available. If for some reason there is a schedule conflict and students need to bring art work home to complete those exceptions will be made on a person to person basis.  In the event that artwork needs to go home before completion, please be prepared with a portfolio or other methods that would preserve artwork during transport.  Artwork is not allowed to go home without a method of safe transport.  Presenting artwork for grading that has frayed edges or damage due to carelessness will result in a lower grade. 

Students will be expected to work quietly.  Headphones are allowed during studio work time as long as the music is not so loud that it can be heard by others.  Cellphone restrictions reflect the ones posted by Union County Public Schools.  Failure to abide by these rules may result in loss of phone and referral.  Talking quietly at tables will be permitted after instructional time is complete.  If additional instructions or adjustments need to be given, students are expected to pause their conversation with their peers and focus on the instruction provided. 





Everyone is an artist!  Those who say they are not just have not learned the techniques or taken time to practice.  Student’s grades will reflect their attitude and the amount of effort they applied.  I believe in showing a student how to fish rather than providing the fish, so that they can eat for a lifetime.  Part of that process includes student individual research.  I am always available for direction and help problem solving.   Grades will be posted in PowerSchool at the completion of a project/assignment or quiz.  If there are no new postings for the week, check back when the project, assignment is complete.  Sketch book & Assignments=30%, Quiz & Tests=20% each, Project weight: 50%.  Attendance is mandatory (see student handbook).  If students have an excused absence they must present that information to the office as well as myself.









Please review with your parents/guardians, complete and return to school with your supplies by Monday.

Did you choose/request to be in Art 1?  Circle (Yes/No)

Why did you choose Art?  ____________________________________________________________________________


If you did not choose Art and it was chosen for you, what do you hope to gain?_________________________________


What should I know about you? _______________________________________________________________________


What is the best method to contact parents/guardians:



Or text or call______________________________________________________________________________________



I have read and reviewed the information provided in this syllabus in class as well as with my parents.  I understand what is expected of me and agree to follow the school rules and the Art classroom rules.  I also agree to accept any consequences that come with failure to follow the expectations, including makeup work, referrals, parent teacher conferences or any other applicable consequence.


Student Name:  ___________________________________________________        Date:  ______________________


Parents Signature:  _________________________________________________         Date:  _______________________

Course Summary:

Date Details Due